What does conquered mean?

What does conquered mean?

1 : to gain or acquire by force of arms : subjugate conquer territory. 2 : to overcome by force of arms : vanquish conquered the enemy. 3 : to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition conquered the mountain. 4 : to overcome by mental or moral power : surmount conquered her fear.

What’s another word for conquers?

What is another word for conquer?

beat defeat
overcome lick
overthrow subdue
overpower best
crush quell

What does I concur mean in English?

intransitive verb. 1a : to express agreement concur with an opinion. b : approve concur in a statement. 2 : to act together to a common end or single effect. 3 : to happen together : coincide.

What’s the opposite of conquer?

What is the opposite of conquer?

lose capitulate
fail forfeit
abdicate concede
relent relinquish
succumb surrender

Do you concur meaning?

verb (used without object), con·curred, con·cur·ring. to accord in opinion; agree: Do you concur with his statement? to cooperate; work together; combine; be associated: Members of both parties concurred.

Is glad a word?

adjective, glad·der, glad·dest. feeling joy or pleasure; delighted; pleased: glad about the good news;glad that you are here. characterized by or showing cheerfulness, joy, or pleasure, as looks or utterances.

What is the synonyms for glad?


  • cheerful.
  • contented.
  • joyful.
  • overjoyed.
  • pleased.
  • willing.
  • cheering.
  • pleasing.

What is the full meaning of glad?

1a : experiencing pleasure, joy, or delight : made happy. b : very willing glad to do it. c : made pleased, satisfied, or grateful —often used with of was glad of their help. 2a : marked by, expressive of, or caused by happiness and joy a glad shout. b : causing happiness and joy : pleasant glad tidings.

What is the reply to I am glad?

Thank you, I am too or I am too, thank you. I’m glad you managed to show up for class on time. (weak smile as a reply) Hope this helps.

What does glad to hear from you mean?

If someone contacts you, especially after a long time, you would say ‘I’m glad to hear from you’ or ‘It’s good to hear from you after all this time’. This means that you are pleased to have received a call, a letter, a text or an email from this person.

Is glad to hear?

(I’m) (so) glad to hear it/that A phrase used when one is pleased by what someone else has just said. A: “We had a great time at your party last weekend.” B: “Oh, I’m so glad to hear that!” Oh great, glad to hear it.

What do you say when you hear good news?

How to Respond to Good News in English

  1. That’s great!
  2. Well done!
  3. I’m (so/really) glad to hear that!
  4. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.
  5. I’m/we’re very happy for you.
  6. Congratulations.
  7. That’s very good news.

Is it OK to say good to hear?

Yes, it’s perfectly fine, and perfectly common. It can be used for any sort of good news, but especially when it’s been preceded by worry, as with a person getting out of hospital.

How do you say good to hear from you?

Depending on the situation and the person we must reply accordingly.

  1. Thank you! (
  2. Good to hear from you too. (
  3. The feeling is mutual. (
  4. Thanks for hearing me (informal, sarcastic, to a friend)
  5. Same here. (
  6. I am glad it is. (
  7. Or is it? (
  8. I know (informal, cocky, shouldn’t be used)

When to say that’s good to hear?

“That’s good to hear” is something I might say if someone brought me good and unexpected news.

What to say after that’s good?

The best answer is to say “thanks” acknowledging the other person’s well wishes. You might also respond with a simple “yep,” a more informal acknowledgment.

How do you say it is good to know?

It’s nice to know that. / That’s nice to know. / To know that is nice. It’s convenient to know that. / That’s convenient to know. / To know that is convenient. It’s discouraging to know that. / That’s discouraging to know. / To know that is discouraging.

What is the answer for good to see you?

3 Answers. When someone says “it was great seeing you,” people often respond, “it was great seeing you too.” This can be shortened to just “you too,” but the meaning is the same. The answer ‘you too’ is a shortened form of ‘It was great seeing you too.

Is good for you rude?

The US English phrase Good for you! is an informal way to say congratulations. Using Good for you! sarcastically would be very, very rude of course. You would know it is sarcasm from the unpleasant sound of the person’s voice.