What does Exophoric mean?

What does Exophoric mean?

exophoric in British English (ˌɛksəʊˈfɒrɪk ) adjective. grammar. denoting or relating to a pronoun such as “I” or “you”, the meaning of which is determined by reference outside the discourse rather than by a preceding or following expression. Compare anaphora.

What is pronominal anaphora?

One such case is reference introduced by pronominal anaphora. In pronominal anaphora a pronoun word (anaphor) refers to a concept mentioned earlier in the text (antecedent). This type of reference can refer to something in the same sentence, but it can also span many sentences.

What is an example of a chiasmus?

Chiasmus is a figure of speech in which the grammar of one phrase is inverted in the following phrase, such that two key concepts from the original phrase reappear in the second phrase in inverted order. The sentence “She has all my love; my heart belongs to her,” is an example of chiasmus.

What is Enumeratio?

Rhetorical Figures in Sound: Enumeratio. Enumeratio: Figure of amplification in which a subject is divided into constituent parts or details, and may include a listing of causes, effects, problems, solutions, conditions, and consequences; the listing or detailing of the parts of something.

What does Distinctio mean?

Distinctio: Figure of explication in which an introductory reference to a word’s meaning is made (e.g., “by x I mean”, “which is to say that”, “that is”) followed by a further elaboration of that word’s meaning; explicit definition of or elaboration upon the meaning or meanings of a particular word or set of words.

What is an example of enumeration?

To enumerate is defined as to mention things one by one or to make clear the number of things. An example of enumerate is when you list all of an author’s works one by one. To count off or name one by one; list. A spokesperson enumerated the strikers’ demands.

What is a Paralipsis fallacy?

Paralepsis (also spelled paralipsis) is the rhetorical strategy (and logical fallacy) of emphasizing a point by seeming to pass over it. Adjective: paraleptic or paraliptic. Similar to apophasis and praeteritio.

What does Anthimeria mean?

In rhetoric, anthimeria or antimeria (from Greek: ἀντί, antí, ‘against, opposite’, and μέρος, méros, ‘part’), means using one part of speech as another, such as using a noun as a verb: “The little old lady turtled along the road.” In linguistics, this is called conversion; when a noun becomes a verb, it is a denominal …

What does Paralipsis mean?

paralipsis in American English (ˌpærəˈlɪpsɪs) nounWord forms: plural -ses (-siz) Rhetoric. the suggestion, by deliberately concise treatment of a topic, that much of significance is being omitted, as in “not to mention other faults” Also: paraleipsis, paralepsis.

What does Apophasis mean?

1 : the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it (as in “we won’t discuss his past crimes”) … he indulges himself in apophasis about his ex-wives (“No, I am most definitely not making any charges or accusations.

What does parallelism mean?

Parallelism in grammar is defined as two or more phrases or clauses in a sentence that have the same grammatical structure.