What does he was not of an age but for all time mean?

What does he was not of an age but for all time mean?

The meaning of the quote “not of an age, but for all time” is that Shakespeare’s works are applicable and accessible regardless of era and have a timeless quality. Browse quotes by William Shakespeare.

Who said of Shakespeare he was not of an age but for all time?

Ben Jonson

What is the period of modern verse drama?

English Drama during the Modernist Period (1845-1945) A.D. falls into three categories: The first and the earliest phase of modernism in English Drama is marked by the plays of G.B. Shaw (read Summary of Candida) and John Galsworthy, which constitute the category of social drama modeled on the plays of Ibsen and.

What is drama give example?

Drama is also a type of a play written for theater, television, radio, and film. In simple words, a drama is a composition in verse or prose presenting a story in pantomime or dialogue. It contains conflict of characters, particularly the ones who perform in front of audience on the stage.

What is the main function of drama?

The roles of drama ranges from instructive, educative, informative, entertaining, therapeutic, social and cultural to religious and political experiences. It enables us to learn about ourselves, our society and about life in general. It exposes life’s actions and experiences through performances on stage.

What are the five functions of drama?


  • Instructive Functions.
  • Educative Functions.
  • Informative Functions.
  • Entertainment Functions.
  • Therapeutic Functions.

How does a playwright make a role in the society?

The role of the Playwright in Society is to make public the will of the Gods and to enforce human laws of conscience and justice. Using otherworldly inspiration and mortal thoughts, Playwrights sculpt believing and belonging for live presentation on the stage.

What is meant by comedy of humours?

The comedy of humours is a genre of dramatic comedy that focuses on a character or range of characters, each of whom exhibits two or more overriding traits or ‘humours’ that dominates their personality, desires and conduct.

What do you call a romantic comedy?

Romantic comedy (also known as romcom or rom-com) is a subgenre of comedy and slice-of-life fiction, focusing on lighthearted, humorous plot lines centered on romantic ideas, such as how true love is able to surmount most obstacles. Some television series can also be classified as romantic comedies.

What makes a romantic comedy Good?

Romantic comedies, also known as rom-coms, center around a love story between two people. They’re charming, lighthearted, funny, love stories that generally end on a happy note.