What does heterotrophic mean?

What does heterotrophic mean?

: requiring complex organic compounds of nitrogen and carbon (such as that obtained from plant or animal matter) for metabolic synthesis — compare autotrophic.

What does eukaryote mean?

Eukaryote, any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus. The eukaryotic cell has a nuclear membrane that surrounds the nucleus, in which the well-defined chromosomes (bodies containing the hereditary material) are located.

What are 4 examples of eukaryotic cells?

Examples of eukaryotic cells are plants, animals, protists, fungi. Their genetic material is organized in chromosomes. Golgi apparatus, Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Nucleus are parts of Eukaryotic Cells.

What do protists look like?

Cell Structure A few protists live as colonies that behave in some ways as a group of free-living cells and in other ways as a multicellular organism. Still other protists are composed of enormous, multinucleate, single cells that look like amorphous blobs of slime, or in other cases, like ferns.

Where can most protists be found?

Most protists can be found in moist and wet areas. They can also be found in tree trunks and other organisms.

Can protists be found in soil?

Protists can be found in all kinds of places, but Geisen focuses specifically on the soil, where they play a pivotal role. “Many protists are predators that feed on bacteria and fungi. Protists are key indicators.

What are 3 examples of protists?

Examples of protists include: amoebas (including nucleariids and Foraminifera); choanaflagellates; ciliates; diatoms; dinoflagellates; Giardia; Plasmodium (which causes malaria); oomycetes (including Phytophthora, the cause of the Great Famine of Ireland); and slime molds.

What is the nickname for Kingdom Protista?

Junk Drawer Kingdom

Is a snail a protist?

Snails are not protists.

What is the most common protist?

1 Answer

  • Ameoba: Amoeba is an animal-like protist that can be found in soil as well as in freshwater and marine environment. Amoeba is unicellular and lack flagella.
  • Algae: Algae are plant like photosynthetic protists carrying out probably 50→60% of all photosynthesis on earth.

What is a protist disease?

Most protist diseases in humans are caused by protozoa. Protozoa make humans sick when they become human parasites. Trypanosoma protozoa cause Chagas disease and sleeping sickness. Giardia protozoa cause giardiasis, and Plasmodium protozoa cause malaria.

Is a protist a bacteria?

What is a protist? A protist is a one- or many-celled organism that lives in moist or wet surroundings. Unlike bacteria, protists’ cells are eukaryotic. These organisms have a membrane-bound nucleus and other membrane-bound structures in their cytoplasm.

What do all protists have in common?

What do all protists have in common? They have a nucleus and other complex organelles. They lack some characteristics that prevent them from being classified as plants,animals, or fungi.

What are the similarities between protists and bacteria?

Both are cells containing a membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, RNA, ribosomes, proteins, a means of producing ATP (probably from glucose), a method of internal transport, and a method of reproduction (interestingly, protists retain the ability to reproduce asexually, like bacteria, although many can also reproduce sexually via …

How do protists defend themselves?

Protozoa are mostly single-celled, motile protists that feed by phagocytosis. They commonly show the characteristics usually linked with animals, such as mobility and heterotrophy. Some protozoa have the ability to form a cyst to protect themselves from harsh conditions.