What does I know what you are but what am I mean?

What does I know what you are but what am I mean?

Filters. (rhetorical question, colloquial, childish) Assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party, and not of the person using the phrase. Usually considered to be a playground taunt.

How do you respond to I know what you are but what am I?

The usual response to “I know you are but what am I” is to repeat that, but put a lot more emphasis on the word “you”.

Who came up with the saying I know you are but what am I?

Often attributed to Pee-Wee Herman.

Is but the meaning?

But means ‘except’ when it is used after words such as all, everything/nothing, everyone/no one, everybody/nobody: … But for + reason. But for is used to introduce the reason why something didn’t happen: … All but meaning ‘almost completely’

Who am I meaning?

The question “Who am I?” is used when you question what type of person you are. “Who I am” is a sentence fragment and is part of a sentence or indirect question.

What define a good person?

1. good person – a person who is good to other people. individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul – a human being; “there was too much for one person to do” benefactor, helper – a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help) brick – a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy.

How do I start Who am I?

10 “Who Am I” Essay Ideas to Amaze Your Readers

  1. Be honest, but delicate. Admissions officers as well as hiring managers read tons of CV’s, application essays, and cover letters.
  2. Write about your passion.
  3. Share an interesting story.
  4. Switch on your creativity.
  5. Use make-up.
  6. Tell them more.
  7. Avoid boasting.
  8. Show your perspective.

What is the best answer for who am I?


Who are u reply?

What if you’re asked: “Who are you?” The automatic response is to give your name. By giving your name you feel you’ve answered that question. People can, and do, change their names. But they remain the same person.

Do I know you reply?

A reasonable reply would be, “No, I don’t think so. My name is …… Where do you think you know me from?” By offering your name you are creating an opening to continue a conversation without being dismissive. There are almost endless other variations of how to respond depending on the context of the situation.

How do you reply to Savage?

Funny Responses to Rude Comments

  1. Sorry fella, I don’t have the energy to pretend to like you today.
  2. Umm…pardon me, I wasn’t listening.
  3. Ok.
  4. That sounds weird coming from you.
  5. Are you always such an idiot, or do you just show off when I’m around?
  6. Whatever you say, hefe.
  7. Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re saying.

How are you formally answer?

Or: Nice to meet you. The most common way of greeting someone both at an informal level and more formally would be: Hello! How are you? to which the standard reply is: Very well, thank you. or: Fine, thank you.

Can you say I’m doing good?

That response only works if “well” takes on its adjectival form, meaning “in good health” or “good or satisfactory.” Now, if someone asks “How are you doing?” “I’m doing well” is the correct response. “Doing” — a form of “to do” — becomes the main verb, and action verbs require adverbs.

How do you say I am fine in different ways?

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  • I’m fine thank you.
  • I feel great / marvellous / fine.
  • Couldn’t be better.
  • Fit as a fiddle.
  • Very well, thanks.
  • Okay.
  • Alright.
  • Not bad.

How do you respond to hi?

Answer a simple “hello” with a question. “How are you?” is a popular way to respond and keep the conversation going. You may want to add a simple “hello” to your response just to acknowledge the person, like “Hi there! How are you?” or “Hey man.

Is it rude to say hi there?

While “Hi, there!” is not considered rude or inappropriate, it may be perceived as a bit of an odd greeting for a video presenter. The phrase is usually used as a greeting when someone is surprised, such as walking around a corner and nearly bumping into someone you didn’t expect to see – in that case, “Oh!

Can I say hi all?

Thanks for the A2A. “Hi all” is not incorrect. It is a common enough greeting used by many native English speakers in addition to the other one. “Hi all” may sound incorrect to some people perhaps because they’ve been taught to regard it as incorrect — as is mostly the case in Asia.

Is it better to say hi or hey?

Generally, hi is a formal greeting for us. For example, if someone were to go to a job interview, we would say “”Hi, my name is…” and leave it at that. Hey, on the other hand, is something we would say to our friends.

Is using Hey unprofessional?

GREETINGS TO AVOID: ‘Hey! ‘ This is fine to use with your friends, but the very informal salutation should stay out of the workplace. It’s not professional – especially if you’re writing to someone you’ve never met, says Pachter.

Is Hey a proper greeting?

GREETINGS TO AVOID: ‘Hey! ‘ This is fine to use with your friends, but the very informal salutation should stay out of the workplace. It’s not professional — especially if you’re writing to someone you’ve never met, Pachter said.

Is Dear all correct?

Yes, using “Dear All” is appropriate. It’s one of the standard salutations for correspondence taught in secretarial courses for a long time.

Why do we say hi instead of hello?

Hello didn’t become “hi” until the telephone arrived. The dictionary says it was Thomas Edison who put hello into common usage. He urged the people who used his phone to say “hello” when answering. His rival, Alexander Graham Bell, thought the better word was “ahoy.”

What is the full form of Hello?

HELLO. Happy Enthusiastic Love Life Olways.

What does Hello mean from a guy?

So, what does it mean when a guy always says hi to you? It could be a sign that he likes you especially if he only seems to do it with you and he shows other signs of attraction when he is around you. He might also consider you a friend, do it naturally or he might be being polite.

What we can say instead of hi?

other words for hello

  • greetings.
  • hi.
  • howdy.
  • welcome.
  • bonjour.
  • buenas noches.
  • buenos dias.
  • good day.