What does Illusionment mean?

What does Illusionment mean?

1. something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. 2. the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.

What is the meaning of Illused?

an idea or belief that is not true, or something that is not what it seems to be: We have no illusions about how difficult the job will be.

What does wrongheaded mean?

1 : stubborn in adherence to wrong opinion or principles wrongheaded in his opinions. 2 : marked by perversity : contrary to sound judgment wrongheaded advice.

What is another word for mistreated?

Mistreated Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for mistreated?

abused maltreated
harmed hurt
mauled wronged
oppressed persecuted
ill-treated ill-used

What is another word for treated badly?

What is another word for treat badly?

abuse maltreat
injure hurt
molest batter
ill-treat be violent toward
manhandle bully

What is another word for harrassment?

Harassment Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for harassment?

vexation aggravation
bugging irritation
bother teasing
disturbance bothering
agitation hassle

What’s the antonym of mistreated?

“Her loving parents had ensured she was always protected and safe from harm.”…What is the opposite of mistreated?

advantaged favoredUS
liberated privileged

What is the nearest in meaning of fictitious?

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction : imaginary fictitious events described in his novel. 2a : conventionally or hypothetically assumed or accepted a fictitious concept. b of a name : false, assumed. 3 : not genuinely felt.

What is the most nearly opposite in meaning of fictitious?

Opposite of fake, especially with an intent to deceive. veracious. factual. legit.

What is fictitious person?

Legal Definition of fictitious person : a supposed but in fact nonexistent person referred to in some legal documents or proceedings also : fictitious payee.

What does legal person mean?

plural legal persons ( also artificial person); (juristic person) a company that has full legal rights and responsibilities according to the law: A company is a distinct and separate legal person.

Can there be a negotiation to a payee?

Can there be a negotiation to a payee? – Yes, there is negotiation to a payee when the first delivery of the instrument is other than the payee such as the agent of the maker or drawer or when the instrument is delivered back to the payee by the last holder.