What does it mean to come back into the fold?

What does it mean to come back into the fold?

To begin participating in, belonging to, or supporting some group, activity, or field that one left for a period of time in the past. After stepping away from politics for nearly ten years, the former governor is coming back to the fold with his bid for the presidency.

What does fold in slang mean?

To fold in poker means you lay down your cards and stop playing that particular hand because you (the only person who has seen your cards) believe that the cards that were dealt to you won’t bring you to the winning pot of money.

How do you use the word fold?

  1. [S] [T] Tom slipped a folded slip of paper into my hand. (
  2. [S] [T] It took me several hours to fold all the clothes. (
  3. [S] [T] My uncle was standing there with his arms folded. (
  4. [S] [T] The manager sat on the bench with his arms folded. (
  5. [S] [T] Tom folded the newspaper and put it under his arm. (

How do you use fold in a sentence?

Use “fold” in a sentence | “fold” sentence examples

  1. Fold the paper along the dotted line.
  2. Fold in the beaten whites of two eggs.
  3. Fold this glass bowl in newspaper.
  4. If you fold the letter in two, it will fit into the envelope.
  5. Our sheep have strayed from the fold.
  6. Fold the egg whites into the cake mixture.

How many is a fold?

As such, several dictionaries, including the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Dictionary, as well as Collins’s Dictionary of Mathematics, define “-fold” to mean “times”, as in “2-fold” = “2 times” = “double”.

What does fold mean in numbers?

A fold change is basically a ratio. It indicates the number of times something has changed in comparison to an original amount. A twofold increase indicates that an amount doubled. Fold change is useful in examining data for increases and decreases.

Is 5 fold the same as 500%?

Siegmund: you are correct, but what it’s referring to is that “Five fold” or “Five times” = 500% of the original value. So, a fivefold increase of 10kph is 50kph = 500% of the original value…but you’re correct that the CHANGE is 400%.

What does 16 fold mean?

sixteenfold(Adverb) By a factor of sixteen. sixteenfold(Adjective) By a factor of sixteen.

What does 60 fold mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : having 60 parts or aspects. 2 : being 60 times as large, as great, or as many as some understood size, degree, or amount a sixtyfold increase.

What does the Bible mean when it says 30 60 100 fold?

The number 30 in the Bible represents dedication to authority, leadership, or rulership. The number 60 in the Bible has the idea of help, support, or being upheld. The number 100 in the Bible means promise, specifically the promised son who came from one, Abraham, who was as good as dead.

What do folds mean in the Bible?

According to the best of my findings in both scripture and the modern collective of knowledge, a fold is simply a term for measuring a group. Just as a group of sheep composing of sheep beyond a single sheep is called a “fold”, so is a return on a seed composed of grouping beyond the singular called a “fold”.

What is meant by 100 fold?

adjective. a hundred times as great or as much.

How much is 100 fold in the Bible?

Hundredfold is defined as 100 times as much.

What is a thousand fold blessing?

A number or an amount a thousand times as great. noun. 1. 0. The definition of thousandfold is something that is a thousand times more than something else.

What does 30 fold mean in the Bible?

: to 30 times as much or as many : by 30 times brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold — Matthew 13:8 (Authorized Version)

What does the Bible say about 100 fold?

Jesus promised such people “a hundred times as much now in the present age.” They reminded Jesus of what they had left behind to follow Him. That is when Jesus spoke His “hundred-fold” promise.

What does 40 fold mean?

forty times as big or as much: a fortyfold increase in the number of doctor visits.

What is a fold in farming?

fold in Agriculture topic. fold2 ●○○ noun [countable] 1 line a line made in paper or material when you fold one part of it over another Bend back the card and cut along the fold.

What does fold mean in Old English?

Such settlements were established on the better-drained soils of the Weald, the word “fold” being derived from the Old English “falod” meaning a staked-off pasture area. This indicates that the settlers were probably herders of domesticated animals such as sheep, cattle and pigs rather than arable farmers.

How folds are formed?

Folds are commonly formed by shortening of existing layers, but may also be formed as a result of displacement on a non-planar fault (fault bend fold), at the tip of a propagating fault (fault propagation fold), by differential compaction or due to the effects of a high-level igneous intrusion e.g. above a laccolith.

What lives in a fold?

Animals and Their Homes: Where Do They Live?

Persons / Things / Animals Where they live / Where they are kept
Sheep pen, fold
Soldier barrack, camp
Spider web
Squirrel drey

What is home of cow called?

1. cow barn – a barn for cows. byre, cowbarn, cowhouse, cowshed.

What is the female name of Lion?


What is pig house called?


What is a female pig called?


Where does a pig sleep?

The main group of pigs will sleep together in a pile, however, other pigs will be lying spread out but with maximum contact with the floor. These separated pigs will be the more dominant pigs. The lower order pigs will lie on the edge of the main group. Pigs sleep with legs stretched out from the body.

How long does a pig live?

15 – 20 years

What is Daddy Pig name?

Perseus “Percy” Pig

How heavy can a pig get?

Wild boar: 75 – 100 kg

Can a pig turn into a boar?

No, but they do undergo morphological changes — probably triggered by epigenes — in response to their environment and living conditions. It’s really quite fascinating. But, they remain domesticated pigs – they do not become wild boars.