What does Kyrie mean in English?

What does Kyrie mean in English?

Lord, have mercy

What does the term mass mean?

Mass, in physics, quantitative measure of inertia, a fundamental property of all matter. It is, in effect, the resistance that a body of matter offers to a change in its speed or position upon the application of a force. The greater the mass of a body, the smaller the change produced by an applied force.

What is the synonym of mass?

large number, abundance, profusion, multitude, group, crowd, mob, rabble, horde, barrage, throng, huddle, host, troop, army, herd, flock, drove, swarm, pack, press, crush, mountain, flood.

What Greek term means homecoming?


What does nostos mean in Greek?

Nostos (Ancient Greek: νόστος) is a theme used in Ancient Greek literature, which includes an epic hero returning home by sea. This journey is usually very extensive and includes being shipwrecked in an unknown location and going through certain trials that test the hero.

What does Kleos mean in Greek?


What is Arete in Greek?

Arete (Greek: ἀρετή) is a concept in ancient Greek thought that, in its most basic sense, refers to “excellence” of any kind. The term may also mean “moral virtue”.

What does Timé mean in Greek?

honor or recognition for accomplishment

Why was Kleos important in Greek society?

Kleos is a term used in Greek epic poetry that means immortal fame, but it can also mean rumor or renown. A very important theme in Homer’s great epics The Iliad and The Odyssey, kleos often referred to having one’s achievements venerated in poetry.

What does Geras mean?

Geras was the god of old age in Greek mythology, the son of Nyx, goddess of the night, and Erebos, god of darkness. Geras was considered a virtue, as the more geras a person acquired, the more fame and excellence they were considered to have.

Why was glory important to the Greeks?

For an ancient Greek man, the ability to perform in battle is the single greatest source of worthiness. The glory earned by soldiers on the battlefield enabled them to live on in legend, becoming heroes who would be remembered long after death. This essence of honour and glory has been discussed in this paper.

What is the difference between time and Kleos?

Time is the honor or recognition which the hero expects to receive in proportion to his “worth” (arete). Kleos is the fame or renown which a hero wins when he accomplishes some great deed, like the killing of a powerful enemy or the sacking of a city.

What does honor mean in the Greek?

(Jennifer Steere’s Notes) Ancient Greek Honor. The original Greek word for honor means worth or value, but in a very literal sense. Honor was a culturally constructed evaluation of a person’s actions, which determined a person’s worth, as in their price, or value to the community.

What does Menis mean in Greek?

Cloth, $39.95. At the beginning of Greek literature, and hence the whole classical tra. tion, stands an enigmatic word: menis. Usually translated as “wrath” or “ang. menis constitutes the subject of the Iliad, but its precise meaning and impl.

What are the values of a Greek hero?

While these legendary men sometimes seem larger than life and were idealized in many ways, they were also very real, and like us, very complex. It is clear from reading ancient sources that these heroes held dear many of the same virtues that we value: honor, loyalty, courage, perseverance, ingenuity, and adaptability.

What qualities make a Greek hero?

What makes a hero in Greek Mythology?

  • Having one immortal parent.
  • Being born into royalty.
  • Having an unusual conception or birth.
  • Being favored by the gods.
  • Being the subject of a prophesy.
  • Being abandoned at birth or while very young.
  • Performing an amazing feat at a young age.
  • Going on a quest.

Who is the most famous Greek hero?


What made a Greek hero?

Heroes in Greek Mythology were men or women of special strength, courage, or ability. They were often of divine ancestry and noted for superhuman courageous acts.

What made Achilles the ideal Greek hero?

Achilles was considered a hero because he was the most successful soldier in the Greek army during the Trojan War. According to post-Homeric myths, Achilles was physically invulnerable, and it was prophesied that the Greeks could not win the Trojan War without him.

Why is Hercules a hero?

Hercules (known in Greek as Heracles or Herakles) is one of the best-known heroes in Greek and Roman mythology. His life was not easy–he endured many trials and completed many daunting tasks–but the reward for his suffering was a promise that he would live forever among the gods at Mount Olympus.

What are the Greek monsters?

Monsters and Creatures of Greek Mythology

  • Centaurs. The Centaurs were half-man half-horse creatures.
  • Cerberus. The Cerberus was a giant three-headed dog that guarded the gates of the Underworld.
  • Charybdis. Charybdis was a sea monster that took the shape of a giant whirlpool.
  • Chimera.
  • Cyclopes.
  • Furies.
  • Griffins.
  • Harpies.

Who is the scariest Greek god?


Are there Greek demons?

Demon, also spelled daemon, Classical Greek daimon, in Greek religion, a supernatural power. In Homer the term is used almost interchangeably with theos for a god. The distinction there is that theos emphasizes the personality of the god, and demon his activity.

Who is the Greek god of demons?


What is the biggest monster in Greek mythology?


Are demons mythological creatures?

Demon A well-known mythical humanoid associated with the devil.

What is a Cambion child?

In late European mythology and literature, a cambion /ˈkæmbiən/ is a half-human half-demon offspring of an incubus, succubus, or other demon and a human. In its earliest known uses, it was related to the word for change and was probably cognate with changeling.

What are flying demons called?

In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of Hell. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the “Lord of the Flyers”, or the “Lord of the Flies”.