What does Niki mean in Hawaiian?

What does Niki mean in Hawaiian?

of niki 1, 2. 2. n. Membrane binding the intestines, peritoneum.

How do you say fish in Hawaiian?

Here’s how to pronounce it: “who-moo-who-moo-noo-koo-noo-koo-ah-pooah-ah” Easy, peasy, right?

How did triggerfish get its name?

The triggerfish gets its common name from the spines on the dorsal fins. When threatened, the triggerfish will dive into a tight crevice, wedging itself tightly and anchoring into place by erecting and locking the first spine. When the second spine is depressed its acts as a trigger, unlocking the first spine.

Is triggerfish poisonous?

Medical Advice for Bite Victims If you are a victim of a triggerfish bite, don’t panic, says Doc Vikingo, a frequent Undercurrent contributor. “They are not venomous, nor do they carry any unusual marine pathogens.

Are triggerfish good eating?

Triggerfish might be tricky to catch, but the fight is well worth it. These fish are some of the tastiest you’ll ever try. Once you crack through the skin, their meat is very soft and firm. The only way you’ll get near the tasty meat is if you puncture it through the soft area behind the gills, and work your way down.

How old are triggerfish?


Kingdom Animalia
Length 8-20 in (20-50 cm)
Weight 3-10 lb (1.4-4.5 kg)
Lifespan 8 years (up to 20 in captivity)
Social Structure Mostly solitary

Are clown triggerfish poisonous?

The Clown Triggerfish has evolved a brightly coloured yellow mouth to deter potential predators. The Triggerfish also has a poisonous dorsal spine which locks into place when the fish is under threat. …

What does triggerfish taste like?

Triggerfish is not limited in flavor. The clean white meat that tastes similar to sweet crab meat when cooked will bring a lot of depth and flavor to your fish recipes. The sweetness is somewhat similar to grouper and a slightly more shellfish-y than something like a sheepshead, but unique in its own way.

What is the biggest triggerfish?

stone triggerfish

What fish has human teeth?

sheepshead fish

What is the least aggressive triggerfish?

fascinating Black Triggerfish

Why do trigger fish have a trigger?

The fish gets its name from the spines on the dorsal fins. When threatened, the triggerfish will flee into a tight crevice, wedging itself tightly into place by erecting and locking the first spine. When the second spine is depressed it acts as a trigger, unlocking the first spine.