What does scarce mean example?

What does scarce mean example?

The definition of scarce is a situation where there is too little of something or where something exists only in very small numbers. An example of scarce is money when you are poor. An example of scarce are dishes from a china pattern that was discontinued years ago. Fresh vegetables were scarce during the drought.

What does it mean when a person is scarce?

scarce Add to list Share. If something is scarce, there isn’t much of it around. Scarce, meaning “restricted in quantity,” can oddly be traced back to the same Latin word that spawned the word “excerpt.” Use the word scarce when you want to say that something is hard to find or practically missing.

What does scarce mean sentence?

Definition of Scarce. limited or sparse in number. Examples of Scarce in a sentence. 1. Food was scarce during the Holocaust because many people were not allowed to grow their own food and had to ration what they had.

What is another word for scarce?

Frequently Asked Questions About scarce Some common synonyms of scarce are infrequent, rare, sporadic, and uncommon. While all these words mean “not common or abundant,” scarce implies falling short of a standard or required abundance.

What are 2 synonyms for scarce?

other words for scarce

  • deficient.
  • limited.
  • rare.
  • scant.
  • scanty.
  • sparse.
  • sporadic.
  • failing.

Whats the opposite of scarce?

scarce. Antonyms: common, frequent, abundant, valueless, thick, plentiful. Synonyms: rare, infrequent, unabundant, unique, uncommon, unusual, singular, precious, choice, few, wanting, sparse.

What does make yourself scarce mean?

informal. : to leave so as not to be seen in a certain place You’d better make yourself scarce before my parents get home.

What is a powerful word?

A power word (also sometimes confused as a trigger word) is a word that evokes an emotion and a response. It instills in people the desire or need to respond to whatever you’re presenting them with. That’s great for entrepreneurs and marketers.