What does strife mean mean?

What does strife mean mean?

bitter sometimes violent conflict

What is the best synonym for strife?

Some common synonyms of strife are conflict, contention, discord, dissension, and variance.

What is a synonym for having a hard time?


  • adversity.
  • bad break.
  • blow.
  • devil’s own luck.
  • hard cheese.
  • hard luck.
  • hard time.
  • hardship.

What does hardship mean?

1 : privation, suffering. 2 : something that causes or entails suffering or privation.

What is a bad time?

: not the right moment to do something or for something to happen Am I calling at a bad time? Are you very busy?

What does downswing mean?

A downswing is a buzzword that investors use to describe poor market performance, indicating a downward turn in an economic cycle. A downswing will also usually occur after a market has peaked as the prices of securities begin to decline.

What does amazingly awful mean?

in an amazing manner; to everyone’s surprise. awful. adjective. exceptionally bad or displeasing.

Can awful mean good?

Senior Member. “Awful” by itself means “very bad”. Unfortunately, “awfully” is generally taken to be synonymous with “extremely”, irrespective of whether it is qualifying an adjective that has positive or negative connotations. There is a common expression “awfully good”, which means “excellent”.

Is it okay to be cunning?

Being cunning is a great way to ensure you manage the people and forces in your life so that you always end up on top.

What makes someone cunning?

Someone who is cunning has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people. These disturbed kids can be cunning. Synonyms: ingenious, subtle, imaginative, shrewd More Synonyms of cunning. cunningly adverb.

What is cunning answer?

adjective. Someone who is cunning has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people. These disturbed kids can be cunning. The clever folk in management came up with a cunning plan. Synonyms: ingenious, subtle, imaginative, shrewd More Synonyms of cunning.