What does the author mean by legitimate bosses in Barrio Boy?

What does the author mean by legitimate bosses in Barrio Boy?

The correct answer is B) What the author means by “legitimate bosses” are parents. We are referring to the story of “Barrio Boy,” written by Ernesto Galarza. FOr Galarza, the use of figurative language is appropriate in the story to show the folklore of the Mexican traditions and language.

How does Ernesto Galarza make distinctions between his new school and his old school in Barrio Boy?

How does Ernesto Galarza make distinctions between his new school and his old school in Barrio boy? He describes what they are made of, his new school is glass and steel, while his old one was brick. He notes their sizes; his new school is big, while his old one was small.

Which inference can be made about the author’s experiences in Barrio Boy?

Part A: Which inference can be made about the author’s experiences in “Barrio Boy?” Answer: D The author sees his time at Lincoln School positively and thinks other students there did, too.

Which context clues helped you determine the meaning of the word formidable as it is used in paragraph 8 of Barrio Boy write your definition of formidable and indicate the clues that helped you figure out the meaning of the word?

The definition of formidable is in awe of or impressive and inspiring fear and/or respect on a large scale. Clues that helped me figure out the meaning of the word is when she rose from her chair she soared.

What does mobilized mean in Barrio Boy?

Put into movement

Who is faintly obnoxious in Barrio Boy?

Miss Ryan

What is most closely the meaning of formidable?

1 : causing fear, dread, or apprehension a formidable prospect. 2 : having qualities that discourage approach or attack a formidable opponent. 3 : tending to inspire awe or wonder : impressive a formidable accomplishment.

What did Galarza think of and learn from his experience of school in America?

Galarza uses his experience at school to discover that he can learn from and about his classmates, who were of an assortment of nationalities. He also discovers that he is not alone in learning about a new language and culture.

Which sentence uses denotation of the word heart?

Answer Expert Verified. The sentence that uses the denotation of the word heart is The heart pumps blood in the body. Denotation gives the definition of the word. Therefore, the heart is defined as one which pumps blood in the body.

What is the meaning of fart?

: to expel intestinal gas from the anus. fart. noun. Definition of fart (Entry 2 of 2) 1 often vulgar : an expulsion of intestinal gas.

What is the denotation of the word heart?

1 : a hollow muscular organ of the body that expands and contracts to move blood through the arteries and veins. 2 : something shaped like a heart a Valentine’s heart.

What is the meaning of Lang?

adjective. a Scot word for long1.

What is a heart shape called?

The heart shape (❤, ♥️, <3) is an ideograph used to express the idea of the “heart” in its metaphorical or symbolic sense as the center of emotion, including affection and love, especially romantic love.

Which event from Barrio Boy best supports the idea that Ernesto was expected to follow rules and be honest?

Which event from Barrio Boy best supports the idea that Ernesto was expected to follow rules and be honest? Ernesto is appointed as the “man of the family” until they reach Sacramento. After removing a brass knob from the bedpost, Ernesto is ordered to put it back.

Why is Galarza afraid of Miss Ryan at first?

2.) Key Ideas and Details (a) Why is Galarza afraid of Miss Ryan at first? He is suspicious of tall, energetic teachers who loom over their students. Galarza is frightened by the unknown of a new teacher, a new language and a new class.

Which sentence from Barrio Boy States the most reasonable inference and provides a valid clue to support it green is Ernesto’s favorite color the red and the white were the same as on ours but why they liked blue better than green was just one of those peculiar?

The sentence that states the most reasonable inference and provides a valid clue to support it is: Ernesto does not know how long he will stay in Tucson.

What are examples of denotation?

− Denotation represents the explicit or referential meaning of a sign. Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the ‘dictionary definition. ‘ For example, the name ‘Hollywood’ connotes such things as glitz, glamour, tinsel, celebrity, and dreams of stardom.

What the author means by “legitimate bosses” are parents. We are referring to the story of “Barrio Boy,” written by Ernesto Galarza. FOr Galarza, the use of figurative language is appropriate in the story to show the folklore of the Mexican traditions and language.

Is smirk a negative connotation?

When someone smiles at us, we have a happy emotion. Sad or mad emotions are negative, so the word smirk has a negative connotation.

What is a connotation example?

Connotation is the use of a word to suggest a different association than its literal meaning, which is known as denotation. For example, blue is a color, but it is also a word used to describe a feeling of sadness, as in: “She’s feeling blue.” Connotations can be either positive, negative, or neutral.

What does Unhealthy mean?

1 : not conducive to health : not healthful an unhealthy climate unhealthy habits unhealthy foods. 2 : not in good health : sickly, diseased unhealthy animals. 3a : risky, unsound an unhealthy economy. b : of a harmful nature : bad, injurious unhealthy levels of lead.

What does Sesquipedalian mean?

1 : having many syllables : long sesquipedalian terms. 2 : given to or characterized by the use of long words a sesquipedalian television commentator.