What does the English word hollow mean?

What does the English word hollow mean?

1 : an unfilled space : cavity, hole in the hollow of a tree. 2 : a depressed or low part of a surface especially : a small valley or basin.

What does Hollow mean in Old English?

hollow (adj.) 1200, adjective developed from Old English holh (n.) “hollow place, hole,” from Proto-Germanic *hul-, from PIE root *kel- (1) “to cover, conceal, save.” The figurative sense of “insincere” is attested from 1520s. Old English had holian “to hollow out.”

What is a hollow in nature?

1. An elongated lowland between ranges of mountains, hills, or other uplands, often having a river or stream running along the bottom. 2. An extensive area of land drained or irrigated by a river system.

What is hollow and example?

Hollow is defined as to create an empty space within something. The definition of hollow is having a space inside or being shaped like a bowl. An example of hollow is a chocolate Easter bunny with nothing inside of it. An example of hollow are cheeks which are deeply sunken.

What type of word is hollow?

adjective, hol·low·er, hol·low·est. having a space or cavity inside; not solid; empty: a hollow sphere. having a depression or concavity: a hollow surface. sunken, as the cheeks or eyes. (of sound) not resonant; dull, muffled, or deep: a hollow voice.

What is another word for hollow?

Some common synonyms of hollow are empty, idle, nugatory, otiose, and vain.

What is the opposite of a hollow?

hollowadjective. Antonyms: convex, protuberant, sincere. Synonyms: excavated, cavernous, vacant, void, unfilled, empty, cannulated, concave, depressed, gaunt, sunken, insincere, unsound, false, hypocritical.

What’s another word for hollow ending?

The crossword clue ‘Hallow’ ending with 3 letters was last seen on the October 20, 2020….”Hallow” Ending Crossword Clue.

Rank Word Clue
2% ANE Hydrocarbon ending

What is a hollow in the woods?

hollow noun A small, sheltered valley that usually but not necessarily has a watercourse. The term occurs often in place names, especially informal ones, as Hell’s Holler (NC) and Piedy Holler (TN). [ DARE labels this pronunciation holler as “chiefly South, South Midland, especially Southern Appalachians, Ozarks”]

What does a hollow person mean?

adjective. If you describe a statement, situation, or person as hollow, you mean they have no real value, worth, or effectiveness. Any threat to bring in the police is a hollow one. Synonyms: worthless, empty, useless, vain More Synonyms of hollow.

What is a hollow in the US?

Hollow, a low, wooded area, such as a copse.

What is a hollow hold?

The hollow hold is an isometric bodyweight exercise with variations that are used in every aspect of training; from rehabilitation up through power and athleticism. This motion develops a tight and stable core in which power and energy can be transferred throughout the entire body without interruption.

How long should you hold hollow body?

Once you can maintain a standard hollow hold for 1 minute, you’re ready to perform the hollow body rock. Assume the hollow hold position. Maintain the hollow position and slowly rock back onto your upper back. If you’re properly maintaining your hold, your lower back should elevate off of the floor.

What is hollow body position?

Hollow Body 101 A hollow body position happens when you contract your abs, thus shortening your torso, and tilt your pelvic to achieve a posterior pelvic tilt. This effectively puts your torso into a slightly rounded position, which is the key to the hollow body.

How long should you hold hollow hold?

Holding the HBH for 20-30 seconds will be very difficult at first, but you will quickly build endurance and strength. Shoot for holding the position for 30-60 seconds…be sure to choose the level that’s appropriate for you and then progress when you’re ready.

Why can’t I do a hollow hold?

Because their legs are straight, they will think they are in the full hollow position, and believe the reason they can’t go lower is that their ‘butt is just too big’, but in a real hollow you want your hips to be extended so your feet are very close to the floor. Regardless of butt size.

How do you do a hollow rock hold?

Lie faceup on the floor, feet together, and bring them four to six inches off the ground. Then bring the arms overhead, so your biceps are next to your ears. Press your lower back into the floor, contract your core, and raise your arms and legs off the ground. You should immediately feel your core contract.

Why is it called hollow body hold?

Simply holding your arms and legs off the floor while lying flat does not, in itself, make your body hollow. Hollow body really means hollow torso. The magic happens between your shoulders and pelvis.

How do you get a hollow back?

Exercise 1: Towel exercise for lumbar spine

  1. Place a towel around the lower spine and grasp with both hands.
  2. Pull the towel forward, tilting the pelvis. This will create a hollow lower back.

What does a hollow hold look like?

A hollow hold, sometimes referred to as a hollow body hold, requires you to lift your arms, legs, and head up off the ground until your body looks kind of like a banana.

What type of exercise is a hollow body hold?

isometric exercise

Does stomach brace work?

Practicing abdominal bracing while exercising or performing daily tasks such as heavy lifting can help reduce the strain on your neck and lower back. It can also protect these injury-prone areas from straining. While bracing the abdominals may feel awkward as you get used to the action, discomfort or pain isn’t normal.

What is stomach hollowing?

Abdominal hollowing is drawing in the navel towards your spine, and there’s a landmark study that created this real big buzz around the transverse abdominis and its importance in training. Cueing over and over again, draw the navel in, belly button in, belly button towards the spine.

What is a protuberant abdomen?

Protuberant abdomen is unusual convexity of the abdomen usually caused by poor muscle tone or excessive subcutaneous fat.

What is a hanging stomach called?

Also called a pannus stomach or mother’s apron, it occurs when the belly and fat that surrounds the internal organs expands due to weight gain or pregnancy.

How do you describe a big stomach?

pro·tu·ber·ant ab·do·men. unusual or prominent convexity of the abdomen, due to excessive subcutaneous fat, poor muscle tone, or an increase in intraabdominal content.