What does the Greek word meraki mean?

What does the Greek word meraki mean?

meraki [may-rah-kee] (adjective) This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be.

Is meraki a word?

Why this word? That word is meraki. This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work. When you love doing something, anything, so much that you put something of yourself into it.

What is SYN-ACK mean?


What is a SYN-ACK packet?

SYN-ACK is a SYN message from local device and ACK of the earlier packet. FIN is used for terminating a connection. TCP handshake process, a client needs to initiate the conversation by requesting a communication session with the Server. In the first step, the client establishes a connection with a server.

What does PSH ACK mean?

The ACK indicates that a host is acknowledging having received some data, and the PSH,ACK indicates the host is acknowledging receipt of some previous data and also transmitting some more data.

What is TCP FIN packet?

TCP SYN-FIN Packets— SYN packets are sent to create a new TCP connection. TCP FIN packets are sent to close a connection. A packet in which both SYN and FIN flags are set should never exist. Therefore these packets might signify an attack on the device and should be blocked.

What do SYN ACK FIN get mean?

SYN ACK and FIN are bits in the TCP Header as defined in the Transmission Control Protocol. A SYN is used to indicate the start a TCP session. A FIN is used to indicate the termination of a TCP session. The ACK bit is used to indicate that that the ACK number in the TCP header is acknowledging data.

What is FIN and ACK?

[ACK] is the acknowledgement that the previously sent data packet was received. [FIN] is sent by a host when it wants to terminate the connection; the TCP protocol requires both endpoints to send the termination request (i.e. FIN ).

What is the 3 way handshake?

A three-way handshake is a method used in a TCP/IP network to create a connection between a local host/client and server. In fact, its name originates from the three messages transmitted by TCP before a session between the two ends is initiated.

What is TCP segmentation?

Segmentation is the process of carving up information into smaller pieces. TCP receives data from an application and segments the data into pieces. This segmentation is necessary so that the information can be placed inside the TCP data field. Once the data is segmented it is encapsulated within TCP.

Where is TCP used?

TCP is used extensively by many internet applications, including the World Wide Web (WWW), email, File Transfer Protocol, Secure Shell, peer-to-peer file sharing, and streaming media.

What is TCP calling?

TCP is a connection oriented protocol that allows the communication device to establish a connection before sending data. …

What is TCP vs HTTP?

HTTP is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol, whereas TCP full form is Transmission Control Protocol. HTTP is utilized to access websites, while TCP is a session establishment protocol between client and server. HTTP uses port 80 and TCP uses no port. HTTP is faster in comparison to TCP, which is slower.


Among the two most common transport protocols on the Internet, TCP is reliable and UDP isn’t. HTTP therefore relies on the TCP standard, which is connection-based. Before a client and server can exchange an HTTP request/response pair, they must establish a TCP connection, a process which requires several round-trips.

What is TCP vs UDP?

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, whereas UDP is a connectionless protocol. TCP uses handshake protocol like SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK while UDP uses no handshake protocols. TCP does error checking and also makes error recovery, on the other hand, UDP performs error checking, but it discards erroneous packets.

Is TCP secure?

TCP is not “more secure” than UDP: TCP has no encryption feature per se; TCP packet transmission is reliable, but you can emulate the same over UDP.

Why is TCP not secure?

TCP can not keep segment data secure against the message eavesdropping attacks. TCP transports stream data used in the application layer. Since TCP does not provide any data encryption functions, anyone can gain any valuable information. TCP can not protect connections against the unauthorized access attacks.

What is difference between TCP and TLS?

TLS does not require TCP, it only requires a reliable transport. There is even a standard for TLS over SCTP which is another reliable transport protocol. But, if you take today’s internet then you usually only have UDP and TCP as transport protocols on top of IP and from these two TCP is the only reliable one.

Why is TCP more reliable?

TCP is reliable as it guarantees the delivery of data to the destination router. The delivery of data to the destination cannot be guaranteed in UDP. TCP provides extensive error checking mechanisms. It is because it provides flow control and acknowledgment of data.

Why is TCP Reliable and UDP unreliable?

TCP is Reliable as it provides reliability of delivery of packets to the receiver while UDP is Non-reliable and does not give information about the packets. TCP provides flow control and error control characteristics while UDP doesn’t provide it.

What are security problems with TCP IP?

Despite that, there are a number of serious security flaws inherent in the protocols, regardless of the correctness of any implementations. We describe a variety of attacks based on these flaws, including sequence number spoofing, routing attacks, source address spoofing, and authentication attacks.

Which is more reliable TCP or UDP and why?

TCP is a connection oriented protocol. UDP is a connection less protocol. As TCP provides error checking support and also guarantees delivery of data to the destination router this make it more reliable as compared to UDP. Retransmission of data packets is possible in TCP in case packet get lost or need to resend.

How is TCP Reliable?

Unlike UDP, TCP provides reliable message delivery. TCP ensures that data is not damaged, lost, duplicated, or delivered out of order to a receiving process. This assurance of transport reliability keeps applications programmers from having to build communications safeguards into their software.

Where do we use TCP and UDP in real life?

TCP – used for traffic that you need all the data for. i.e HTML, pictures, etc. UDP – used for traffic that doesn’t suffer much if a packet is dropped, i.e. video & voice streaming, some data channels of online games, etc.

How do I know if I have TCP or UDP?

Run netstat -an from a Windows command prompt. Download and run TCPView (which also lists UDP) for a GUI view. Run Wireshark. Run nmap against the server with port in question (by default only scans TCP ports)