What does the monster realize when he is able to understand those around him?

What does the monster realize when he is able to understand those around him?

What does the monster do to help Felix and Agatha? What does the monster realize when he is able to understand those around him? that he is disfigured and alone. How is Felix related to Safie?

How does the monster feel once he becomes self aware?

He’s actually incredibly kind once he becomes self-aware. He feels guilty when he realizes he has been stealing from poor people. And, unlike Victor who allows Justine to meet a terrible fate, the monster tries to atone for his actions with the simple gift of firewood.

What happens when the monster reveals himself to the Cottagers?

What happens when the creature introduces himself to the cottagers? When the creature introduces himself to the cottagers Agatha faints, Safie runs away from the scene, and Felix beats the creature with a stick. The creature doesn’t kill itself because he believes there is still hope to talk to the old man, Delacy.

How does the creature view himself in relation to society?

In what way does his study of human society make him what he eventually becomes? The Creature longs to have a human life and sees that he can’t. He knows he will never be accepted or even tolerated by people. This drives him to violence and retribution.

What does the creature want most in life?

Like any child, the creature craves a parent’s love and acceptance. Instead, he meets with rejection. Frankenstein has single-mindedly pursued his obsession with creating life out of dead bodies parts but has never bothered to imagine how the living creature would appear.

What biblical character does the creature compare himself to?


How is Frankenstein’s monster like Adam?

The story of Adam’s creation made the monster question the whereabouts of his creator and wonder if his creator abandoned him like God cast down Satan. The monster, based on what he had read, believed that just as God created Adam, so had Frankenstein created him; in that sense he was similar to Adam.

How does the creature convince Victor to listen to him?

In Frankenstein, the creature convinces Victor to make him a mate by appealing to his pity and his fear. He makes an eloquent case for his lonely state, rejected by all of humanity. He also warns that he will kill Victor’s friends and family if his creator does not provide him with a companion.

Where does the creature go after Victor abandons him?

Where did the creature go after Frankenstein abandoned him? He wandered through the woods, frightened, hungry, and cold. Then he took refuge in a hovel near a cottage.

What does the creature do when he visits Victor in his bedroom?

What does the creature do when he visits Victor in his bedroom? The creature grins and holds out his hand to Victor. As he wanders the streets of Ingolstadt, what poem does Victor quote?

What’s Frankenstein’s monster’s name?

The creature is often erroneously referred to as “Frankenstein”, but in the novel the creature has no name. He does call himself, when speaking to his creator, Victor Frankenstein, the “Adam of your labours”.

Is Frankenstein’s monster a male?

In Shelley’s Gothic story, Victor Frankenstein builds the creature in his laboratory through an ambiguous method based on a scientific principle he discovered….

Frankenstein’s monster
Gender Male
Family Victor Frankenstein (creator) Bride of Frankenstein (companion/predecessor; in different adaptions)

Does the monster kill himself?

While Frankenstein dies feeling disturbed that the Monster is still alive, the Monster is reconciled to death: so much so that he intends to commit suicide. The Monster’s decision to kill himself also confirms the importance of companionship.

How does the creature plan to kill himself?

The creature plans to kill himself by starvation at the end of the novel.

Why does the monster feel he has the right to seek revenge on Frankenstein?

Why does the monster feel he has the right to seek revenge on Frankenstein? Answer: D. Frankenstein abandoned the monster after he was created, so he had to fend for himself.

Why does the monster kill Elizabeth?

Elizabeth is subject to her death without taking part in the creating of the monsters in anyway. She is ultimately killed in the monster’s act of revenge against Victor for not creating a female monster to be his partner.

Who was Frankenstein’s closest friend?

Henry Clerval

Who is at fault for William’s death?

Justine is at fault for William’s death. Victor is also responsible for what happened because he created the creature that killed William. 10.

Who is Victor’s love interest?

Benji (George Sear) A Creekwood student, Benji is a confident and charming classmate of Victor’s that, judging by the trailer, will be one of his possible love interests.