What does the persona ask his mother about Lulu?

What does the persona ask his mother about Lulu?

Stanza 2- The persona is asking his mother why Lulu’s window is open and her money-box is missing. Stanza 3- The persona asks his mother why she is turning her head away and crying. He asks her again why she crumples and throws the note into the fire and tells him that nothing is wrong.

What does the persona notice about his mother?

What does the persona notice about his mother in Stanza 6? He persistently asks the mother what has happened to the sister because he is worried about her. He called her ‘Lu’ she could be her nickname.

What happened Lulu Quizizz?

Lulu ran away from home.

What is the relationship between the persona and Lulu?

The persona, a young child is asking his mother where his sister, Lulu is. He says there is nothing on her bed except an old rag-doll and a shoe by its side. The question is repeated but using the nickname “Lu”, which shows that the child and Lulu are very close. “A shoe” suggests that the sister has left in a hurry.

Why didn’t Lulu take the rag doll with her left?

Lulu maybe left because she didn’t like her mother or she didn’t like the life she had at home. Lulu had taken her money-box and all her stuff, the only thing she didn’t take was an old rag-doll and by its side a shoe. Lulu goes because her mother is probably mad at her for being so late.

What is the significance of Lulu leaving her old rag doll behind?

The end of childhood and the loss of innocence Lulu has left her childhood behind – literally and emotionally. The ‘dusty shelf’ suggests the end of childhood and she embraces her new-found freedom (‘window wide’, ‘curtain flapping free’).

Why does Lulu run away?

She had a fight with her mother. She wanted to have more freedom. She was being influenced by her friends.

Where did Lulu put her money box?

On the dusty shelf STANZA 3

Who is the persona in what has happened to Lulu?

The persona (the child) is asking his/her mother about his/her older sister, Lulu. What has happened to Lu? There is a shoe (Lulu’s) by the side of the bed.

What do the words a circle on the dusty shelf indicate?

What do the words “a circle on the dusty shelf” indicate? __________________________________________________________________________Answers for What Has Happened to Lulu1. The poem is about a sibling running away.2.It signifies that Lulu escaped through the window. 3.

How do you know that the money box was missing?

How do you know that the money box was missing? The shelf was dusty. There was a circle mark on the shelf.

What is the living photograph poem about?

In the poem, the persona recalls how her grandmother was once strong and healthy but soon grows older and becomes ill. In the end, the grandmother passes away and the persona is only able to relive her memories with her grandmother through a photograph.

What does the line white hand in black hand suggest?

white hand in black hand. Meaning • Grandmother is holding the grandchild’s white hand in her black one. This tells us that the grandchild may be of mixed parentage. White hand represents the poet’s youth, purity, and innocence.

Why did the persona’s grandmother become small?

2. Why do you think the grandmother became small? She became small because she had aged and her back had hunched.

Where was the poet’s mother when the photograph was clicked?

Answer: The poet’s mother was in middle age when she looked at that photograph and used to laugh remembering those golden days of her childhood, enjoying a sea holiday.

How did the three girls face the camera?

How did the three girls face the camera? Answer: They removed hair from their face and stood smiling in the shallow water near the beach. Betty and Dolly stood on either side of the poetess’s mother, holding one of her hands.

Why did all three stand still and smile?

Answer. the poet’s mother and her two cousins, Betty and Dolly. b) they stood still and smiled as the mother’s uncle was taking their photograph. This photograph was taken about 20-30 years ago.

Why did the poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot?

The poet’s mother laughed at the happy memories of the moments that had passed long back. She looked back to her childhood with nostalgia and remembered the innocent joys of her childhood days.

What does the mother’s laughter indicate?

Ans. : This laugh indicates her remembering her past. She looked back to her childhood with nostalgia and remembered the innocent joys of her childhood days. Q. Ans. : The line refers to the sea holiday as remembered by her mother and the poet remembering her mother’s laughing face.

What is the meaning of silence silences?

Answer: The silence silences means the loss of her mother’s death. Its silence refers to mother’s death and silence refers to make more silence. The sentence “Its silence silences “here refers that Death is already silent. ‘THE SILENCE SILENCES’ is used.

Who would laugh at the snapshot after 20 30 years?

(1) After seeing that photograph poet’s mother bursted into laugh because her past(the moments she passed with her cousins)was very delightful for her and it was giving her a pleasent feeling. (2) The beach holiday took place twenty- thirty years ago.

What is the irony for both of them?

Answer: Shows what the irony is because the silence in itself is the one thing which falls silent as the end nears. The photograph is amusingly a dysphoric one. The condition of mother being happy in the photo and the joy of the artist to see her mother in a joyful or happy state bothare associated with depressed side.

Why does the poet laugh to himself?

Explanation: The poem ‘Laugh and be merry’ by John Masefield probes the premise of living in this world, since the universe itself is a manifestation of the joyousness of God.

Who was Betty and Dolly?

Betty and Dolly were the two younger cousins of the poetess’ mother. They accompanied her on a beach holiday in their childhood days.

What does terribly transient feet mean?

Terribly transient feet – In this phrase, the word feet is used to describe the human beings. Transient means short living. This phrase means that human life is not permanent but temporary. The human beings have to die one or the other day but the sea is permanent . It is still going to be their after our death.

Who would laugh at the snapshot?

Answer: he poets mother laughed at the snapshot while recalling her joyful moments of her past. She looks at the photograph and recollects her innocent joys.In the photograph she as well as her two little cousins stood at the beach.

What does the poet tell us about the sea?

The poet says that the sea ‘… appears to have changed less’. The sea is an element of nature where time has little or almost no influence. The poet finds the sea to be just as it was in the photograph of her mother’s sea holiday with her cousins.

What was the best childhood pastimes of the poet’s mother?

HEYA! ✨The poetess recounts the sweet memories of her mother’s childhood which she spent with her cousins betty and dolly . The past of her mother is the SEA HOLiDAY that she spent when she was just about 12. The present situation , the authors mother is no more now .

What did the Sea holiday and her mother’s laughter do to the poet?

The poet and her mother had learnt to accept the losses that we come across in life. The loss of her mother’s laughter has made her silent with grief and she is now living with a profound sense of loss.