What does the poem If mean?

What does the poem If mean?

The poem ‘If’ by the India-born British Nobel laureate poet Rudyard Kipling is a poem of ultimate inspiration that tells us how to deal with different situations in life. The poet conveys his ideas about how to win this life, and after all, how to be a good human being.

What are the words of the poem If?


  • If you can keep your head when all about you. Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
  • If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
  • If you can make one heap of all your winnings.
  • If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

When all are losing their heads?

If you can keep your head while all others around you are losing theirs—get somebody to explain the situation to you. In conclusion, the funny response to the beginning of Rudyard Kipling’s poem was created by an anonymous individual by 1935. Bob Rigley received credit by February 1939.

What is the main idea of if?

Truly, the poem “If” is a lesson about what is important in life. Having all of the qualities and characteristics mentioned in the poem will make a man out the son and he shall inherit the earth. Truly, the overall theme is one of manhood and leadership.

What is the moral of the poem If?

The lesson is to have balance in one’s life. Perhaps, Kipling’s experiences in India influenced his writing of this poem as there is the prevalent teaching of Buddism here: the quest for the Middle Way in the quest for spiritual enlightenment.

Why are triumph and disaster called impostors?

Triumph and disaster are impostors because they are passing moments. People become too happy at the time of success and may reduce their chance to reach higher goal and at the bad timing they may lose their faith and confidence.

What are the characteristics of a man in the poem If?

According to the poet a man should have a clear head, belief in himself, patience, honesty, forgiveness, intelligence, modesty, tolerance and should live to the fullest.

What does if you can think and not make thoughts your aim mean?

The second line, “If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim,” translates to mean close to the same as the first line – which is to let things happen as they will and not try to overthink anything.

What does if you can force your heart and nerve and sinew mean?

“If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, Kipling is saying that at those times we need to force our hearts, nerves, and sinew to do what we do not want to do or what we feel we are incapable of doing.

What does it mean to never breathe a word about your loss?

You should “start again at your beginnings,” meaning make a fresh start. You should also “never breathe a word about your loss,” meaning never speak of the loss because not complaining about adversity shows strength of character and true humility.

What does if you can keep your head when all about you mean?

To “keep your head” means to remain calm, which is sometimes hard to do when the people around you (“about you”) are in “panic mode.” To remain calm in spite of their panic is therefore a virtue.

What’s more you’ll be a man my son?

Rudyard Kipling ‘ With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!

Why does the poet ask you not to lie?

The poet advises us that at a point in life, others will lie and hate us. They would lie about us and feel hatred for us which we must bear with extreme tolerance because they want to provoke you to become angry and start fighting. Answer : One should not give in to the temptation of lying even if others lie.

When you can keep your wits about you?

Rudyard Kipling Quotes If you can keep your wits about you while all others are losing theirs, and blaming you. The world will be yours and everything in it, what’s more, you’ll be a man, my son.

Do you know that if is the middle word in life?

And suddenly he’ll grab you, and he’ll throw you in a corner, and he’ll say, “Do you know that ‘if’ is the middle word in life? If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you”…

What happened to Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now?

Dennis Hopper’s blitzed photo-journalist is murdered by Scott Glenn (who’s only in two shots of the ’79 cut), and Glenn is almost immediately killed by Sheen.

Who said if you can keep your head?

Rudyard Kipling

What does poet keep your head mean?

Keeping your head is a smart phrase used by the poet that represents the idea of calmness and thinking smartly. The poet emphasizes one to stay calm and not panic.

When everyone else is losing their heads it is important to keep yours?

Marie Antoinette Quote: “When everyone else is losing their heads, it is important to keep yours.”

What are the values represented in the poem If?

Answer: The values of the poem are old-fashioned, conservative, and even aristocratic. Kipling comes by all these values honestly. Rudyard Kipling’s “If -” portrays an impossibly stoical individual, who never complains, avoids every extreme, and is a paragon of integrity, consideration, and courage.

What feelings does the poem If awaken in you?

The first stanza of “If” illustrates the practice of self-confidence and expresses that, in being confident; the reader must have the courage to face unpopularity and disagreement. This stanza also, however, advises against a self-confidence that does not allow for the consideration of opposing ideas.

How does the poem If make you feel?

The mood of the poem is inspirational. The poet advises his son (and the other readers to whom the poem is addressed) to “keep your head,” “trust yourself,” wait patiently, speak the truth, begin again when you lose everything, keep striving even if your physical body wants to give up, and treat all people generously.

How important is poem’s message in your life?

Answer Expert Verified It is very important because it gave us an inspiration and advice that no matter what challenges and obstacles we are facing, we still need to continue our lives and face this challenges whole-heartedly.

Is the message of the poem if worthwhile?

Indeed, the message of the poem is very worthwhile because first, it was given and delivered by someone who knows best, a mother. The message of the poem relays to us how difficult life can be and that giving up is not an option. The only way to win against life challenges is to continue moving forward.

What would happen if one made thoughts the sole aim of one’s life?

If one made thoughts the sole aim of one’s life, one would never achieve greatness or prosperity. He would never become a real man as he would always go on thinking instead of converting them into actions.

How can we make our thoughts our aim?

Quote by Rudyard Kipling: “If you can think–and not make thoughts your aim.”

What advice does the father give to his son in if?

Hover for more information. “If” is a father’s advice to his son about how to live his life so as to achieve the respect of others and, more importantly, a high standard of self-worth in society.

Who was if written for?

“If—” is a poem by English Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936), written circa 1895 as a tribute to Leander Starr Jameson. It is a literary example of Victorian-era stoicism.

How will the poem If help you to become a better person?

The poem is about moral lessons and conduct. It contains advice from a father to a son on how to grow up to be a better person and a true man. He reminds his son that he will be a Man if he can hold on to his values and not be swayed by others. If he follows his advice, he will have a rewarding and enriching life.

What does this line means if you can dream and not make your dreams your master?

The line, “If you can dream – and not make dreams your master” is a very important principle for having balance. Meaning, dreams should not be your only aspirations, goals, or thoughts. This quote means that people should not be a slave to their dreams, constantly working for their dreams and wishes.