What does the root Skopeo mean?
What does the root Skopeo mean?
look at, inspect, consider, examine
What is the root word of telescope?
Telescope is from the Greek roots tele. “far,” and skopos, “seeing;” so it literally describes what the instrument does. As a verb, telescope means “to become smaller through one part sliding into another,” the way a portable collapsing telescope does.
What root word means see?
Is tract a root word?
The Latin root word tract means “drag” or “pull.” This root word gives rise to many English vocabulary words, including attraction, subtract, and contract.
What does visage mean in English?
1 : the face, countenance, or appearance of a person or sometimes an animal.
What does mocked mean?
transitive verb. 1 : to treat with contempt or ridicule : deride he has been mocked as a mama’s boy— C. P. Pierce. 2 : to disappoint the hopes of for any government to mock men’s hopes with mere words and promises and gestures— D. D. Eisenhower.
What does Fakir mean?
1 \ fə-ˈkir , fä- , fa- ; ˈfā-kər \ a : a Muslim mendicant : dervish. b : an itinerant Hindu ascetic or wonder-worker. 2 \ ˈfā-kər \ : impostor especially : swindler.
What does vituperative mean?
: uttering or given to censure : containing or characterized by verbal abuse. Other Words from vituperative Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About vituperative.
What does Contumelious mean?
: insolently abusive and humiliating.
What does vituperative mean in Latin?
Vituperative derives from the Latin vitium (“fault”) + perare (“make”).
Is disparagement illegal?
These terms are typically called “non-disparagement” clauses and have been used periodically by professionals and corporations to pre-empt and prevent negative reviews. They often provide financial penalties or the right to sue for their violation. But they’re illegal.
What does equivocate mean in English?
intransitive verb. 1 : to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive. 2 : to avoid committing oneself in what one says.
Is disparaged a word?
: to speak of as unimportant or bad : belittle He disparaged the other team.
What is the synonym of disparaging?
Frequently Asked Questions About disparage Some common synonyms of disparage are belittle, decry, and depreciate. While all these words mean “to express a low opinion of,” disparage implies depreciation by indirect means such as slighting or invidious comparison.
What is the difference between defamation and disparagement?
Defamation protects the personal reputation of the plaintiff, while business disparagement protects the economic interests of the plaintiff. The focus on telling the difference is determining what the statements were about.
What is a disparagement clause?
A non-disparagement clause simply states that you won’t say anything negative about the company or its products, services, or leaders—in any form of communication.
What does disparagement mean in Romeo and Juliet?
Disparagement (Noun) Lowering a person’s rank/reputation /dishonor/belittling/degrading.
Why is Lord Capulet hesitant on marrying Juliet to Paris?
Hover for more information. mwestwood, M.A. Lord Capulet is initially reluctant to accept Paris’s proposal that he marry Juliet because he feels his daughter is too young to marry. Capulet suggests the proposal of marriage be delayed for two years so Juliet has more time before she becomes a bride.
What does Drudge mean in Romeo and Juliet?
drudge. a person who does tedious, menial or meaningless work. appertaining.
What does impute mean in Romeo and Juliet?
impute. Definition. attribute to, associate with.
What does doth mean in modern English?
(dʌθ ) Doth is an old-fashioned third person singular form of the verb ‘do. ‘
Why is not this a lamentable thing?
A very good whore!” Why, is not this a lamentable thing, grandsire, that we should be thus afflicted with these strange flies, these fashion-mongers, these “pardon me’s,” who stand so much on the new form, that they cannot sit at ease on the old bench? Oh, their bones, their bones!
What does impute mean?
Impute is a somewhat formal word that is used to suggest that someone or something has done or is guilty of something. It is similar in meaning to such words as ascribe and attribute, though it is more likely to suggest an association with something that brings discredit.
How do you use the word impute?
Impute sentence example I can’t believe you dared to impute my work to yourself to cover up for your laziness! The political candidate tried to impute some rather unfortunate insults to his opponent. David attempted to impute the damage of the broken window onto his innocent brother.
What is a synonym for imputation?
imputation. Synonyms: accusation, censure, charge, complaint, condemnation, injury, insult, offense, wrong. Antonyms: acknowledgment, apology, confession, defense, exculpation, excuse, justification, plea, vindication.
What does imputed mean in law?
1) To attach or ascribe. 2) To place responsibility or blame on one person for acts of another person because of a particular relationship, such as mother to child, guardian to ward, employer to employee, or business associates.