What does the word Uxorial mean?

What does the word Uxorial mean?

With help from -ial, -ious, and -icide, the Latin word uxor, meaning “wife,” has given us the English words uxorial, uxorious (meaning “excessively fond of or submissive to a wife”), and uxoricide (“murder of a wife by her husband” or “a wife murderer”).

What is the word for wife?

other words for wife

  • bride.
  • companion.
  • partner.
  • roommate.
  • spouse.
  • consort.
  • helpmate.
  • mate.

What is another word for wife?

What is another word for wife-to-be?

fiancee bride
future wife girlfriend
marrier affianced
betrothed engaged person
fiance future

What can I call my future wife?

What is another word for future wife?

fiancee bride
bride-to-be fiancé
groom-to-be prospective wife
future husband prospective husband
wife- engaged woman

What is the antonym of wife?

What is the opposite of wife?

man mister
groom bridegroom
Mr husband
partner companion
spouse squeeze

What is the feminine gender of hubby?

List of masculine and feminine words in English

Masculine Feminine Gender neutral
husband wife spouse
actor actress
prince princess
waiter waitress server

What is the feminine of Shepherd?


What does Pejoration mean?

In historical linguistics, the process of an inoffensive word becoming pejorative is a form of semantic drift known as pejoration. An example of pejoration is the shift in meaning of the word silly from meaning that a person was happy and fortunate to meaning that they are foolish and unsophisticated.

What’s the opposite of Pejoration?

Pejoration is when a word’s meaning is neutral in origin and gains a more negative meaning over time. In general, pejoration happens more often than its opposite (amelioration), but this trend is particularly salient in words that are female-specific.

What is Pejoration and amelioration?

Narrowing of meaning: loss of quantity. Amelioration of meaning: rise of quality. Pejoration of meaning: loss of quality.