What does this piece of dialogue reveal about Mr Frank?

What does this piece of dialogue reveal about Mr Frank?

What does this piece of dialogue reveal about Mr. Frank? He is constantly worried that others’ needs are not being met. He uses his sense of humor to make others feel comfortable.

Which line of dialogue by Mrs Van Daan in The Diary of Anne Frank Act I shows that she is flirtatious?

He wants one last look at the place where he last saw his family. Which line of dialogue by Mrs Van Daan in The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I, shows that she is flirtatious? “I don’t know why I didn’t meet you before I met that one there. You just studied 18 terms!

Which sentence best explains the reason that Anne and Peter often tease each other in Act I?

Which sentence best explains the reason that Anne and Peter often tease each other in The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I? They each want to make the other angry. They are growing fond of each other.

Which teacher does Anne not get along well and why?

Mr. Keesing was Anne’s Maths teacher. He was annoyed with Anne because she was a very talkative girl and talked too much in his class. He assigned her extra homework, asking her to write an essay on the subject, ‘A Chatterbox’.

Why was Anne most worried?

Some of the students had staked their savings in the bet. Why was Anne most worried? Answer: Anne was most worried about her maths result.

Does Anne Kiss Peter?

Kissing in the attic The longer they were in hiding, the closer Peter and Anne became. Peter and Anne fell in love. They cuddled and kissed in Peter’s room and in the attic. But after a while Anne realised that Peter would never become the friend she had hoped for.

Why were Anne and her friends worried 10?

Anne was not good at Maths so she and her friends were always worried about it, but she was sure that she would go to the next class. She always considered teachers to he the most unpredictable creatures on the earth. So she told her friends not to lose hope.

Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with Anne?

Keesing was annoyed with Anne because she was very talkative and this distracted everybody in the class. He assigned her extra homework asking her to write an essay on the subject ‘A Chatterbox’.

Why did Mr Keesing called Anne incorrigible chatterbox?

Answer Expert Verified Mr. Kessing called Anne ‘an incorrigible chatterbox’ because he was annoyed at her incessant talking in the class. He had warned her many times no to talk in the class while he was teaching, yet Anne could not resist the temptation to talk.

Why did Mr Keesing give extra homework to Anne?

Answer. Mr Keesing,Anne’s old math teacher was infuriated with Anne because she was very talkative. Hence,when repeated warnings failed to quiet her,he assigned her extra homework,an essay on the subject ‘A Chatterbox’.

What kind of teacher was Mr Keesing?

maths teacher

Why was Anne not assigned any extra homework?

it was about mother duck and father swan with three babies (ducklings) Who were bitten to death by the father swan because they quacked too much. Mr keesing was very happy with Anne’s ingenuity as a result he not only allowed her to talk in the class but stopped assigning extra homework.

Was Mr Keesing satisfied with her arguments?

Keesing liked her arguments that she was like her mother who was more talkative than her. Mr. Keesing, being a hard task master wanted to ridicule Anne and so gave her two more assignments ‘Quack Quack Quack’ and ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’.

Do you think Mr Keesing was a strict teacher?

Yes, Mr. Keesing was a strict teacher. He did not allow students to talk in his class as he wanted them to concentrate on their studies. He often punished Anne for talking in between classes by giving her essays and extra work.

Do you think Anne Frank was far more intelligent?

Answer. Anne Frank was indeed more intelligent and mature than her age. She had extraordinary optimism and brilliance. Anne Frank was a 13 years old Jewish girl in the Nazi occupied Holland area and she grew up hiding for two years.

Where is Anne Frank’s diary?

Anne Frank’s first diary Anne Frank’s original red-checked diary is on display at the museum.