What does Tom think about as he watches Mr Weems leave for work?

What does Tom think about as he watches Mr Weems leave for work?

It is likely that as Tom watches Mr. Weems leave for work, he is a little jealous of him. We can infer that Tom would want to have a regular life instead of one in which he is always protected.

Does Tom’s reaction to the book seem extreme What does his reaction reveal about him?

Answer: Taken from the book “The Deep” written by Anthony Doer. I don’t think Tom’s reaction is extreme, but it reveals that he gets easily excited.

What does the hospital symbolize for Tom?

Answer: Marsh in the story symbolizes livelihood to Tom where he learns to enjoy his life and not to be confined to his house. Explanation: Marsh in the story symbolizes livelihood to Tom where he learns to enjoy his life and not to be confined to his house.

How does Ruby’s Gift of the jar of tadpoles symbolize Tom’s life?

The doctors had said initially that his lifespan is sixteen and will only reach eighteen if he is lucky. This, therefore, made Tom always careful about anything. Ruby make his life safer by still being there for him by doing everything that made him happy. she brought him a jar that turned out to save his life.

What does Beowulf’s armor symbolize?

The mail shirt protects Beowulf during the vicious fight he has with Grendel’s mother, who only dies after being cut by a magical sword forged by giants. Beowulf emerges victorious and brings the monster’s head to Hrothgar. The mail shirt in this case, is seen as protective clothing and a fitting gift for a warrior.

Was Beowulf a real person?

Like all legendary stories, Beowulf mixes elements of fact and fiction, and there is historical evidence for many of the events that the poem depicts. However, there has been no evidence discovered of a real Beowulf, and scholars speculate as to whether or not the ‘Beowulf poet’ completely invented him or not.

Is Beowulf older than the Bible?

No. The Beowulf manuscript or Junius Codex probably dates to around 800–1000 AD. The Old Testament / Hebrew Bible writings mostly date to the sixth century BCE, a good 1,100 years older than Beowulf.

Why does Tom laugh at the end of the story?

Tom Benecke burst into laughter and then closed the door behind him. This behaviour is apparently contradictory, because Tom did everything he could to rescue this all-important piece of paper in the story.

What type of conflict is Tom facing?

Tom’s internal, man vs. man conflict revolves around how much importance he should place on his work. He feels that what he is doing is very imporant; however, he also regrets missing quality time with his wife. At first, Tom clearly chooses his work over his wife when he decides not to go to the movie with her.

Why does Tom go out on the ledge?

Tom climbs out onto the ledge to retrieve a sheet of paper he thinks is very important and because he doesn’t realize, until he gets out there, how great a risk he is taking. The author Jack Finney takes pains to show the importance of the piece of paper in order to make it plausible that Tom would risk going after it.

What did Tom see out of the window How did this contrast with the inside?

When he almost falls, it is so terrifying that he must concentrate on “holding on to consciousness” to survive. The wind “snatch[es] up his cries” when he screams for help, in contrast to how easily he heard his wife’s muffled voice earlier.

What happens again after Tom gets back into the apartment and how does he respond?

While on the ledge, Tom imagines if he can save himself and get back into the apartment, he will celebrate by running through it, or falling to the carpet in gratitude. He does not chose to do either of those things. Instead, he calmly removes the wrinkles from the yellow worksheet, and places it on his desk.

What distracts Tom Benecke from his work?

In the beginning of the story, Tom Benecke is at home working, but he is having a hard time getting started. What distracts him from his work? The author states that he has a “guilty conscience”: he is feeling guilty that he would rather work than spend time with his wife.

Why is how Tom feels when he finally reaches the paper ironic?

Why do you think Tom reacts as he does when he sees the yellow sheet of paper at the end of the story? Because he doesn’t even care about the paper anymore. He just want’s to be with his wife.

How does Tom attract attention?

How does Tom try to attract attention? Tom throws burning letters and coins to the street below to attract attention. He is unsuccessful because people either fail to see these signals or ignore them.

Which tactic does Tom use to try to draw attention to himself?

He simply could not do it. He couldn’t bring himself to make the slightest movement. He realizes that he needs help. The first attempt he makes to attract attention is by shouting “Help!” as loudly as possible.

What was Tom’s great secret?

THAT was Tom’s great secret—the scheme to return home with his brother pirates and attend their own funerals.

What do you learn about Tom from his decision not to go with Clare?

What do you learn about Tom from his decision not to go with Clare? He is a workaholic and doesn’t spend enough time with his wife. Because he wasted his life being a workaholic and not leaving his life to the fullest and not spending time with the one that should mean the most to him, his wife.

What attempt has Tom made to resolve his problem what is the result?

Tom’s psychological conflict is resolved after he experiences an epiphany of sorts on the ledge in realizing the existential absurdity of basing his life upon monetary success. His physical conflict is resolved when he succeeds in breaking the window and is able to enter the safety of his apartment.

What mental strategy does Tom use to get himself to move along the ledge?

Tom began to mentally convince himself that going out onto the ledge was a simple task. “Tom laughed at” the situation in order to justify that action in his mind. He “created a mental picture of himself sliding along the ledge” as he imagined the ease at which he would retrieve the paper and return to his desk.

At what point in the story did you agree with Tom’s choices?

At what point in the story did you agree with Tom’s choices? At the end when he decided to go be with his wife.

Why do Tom and Huck start digging under various old trees?

Why do Tom and Huck start digging under various old trees? Huck wanted pie and soda everyday. He wanted to go to the circus and spend all his money before his dad got home, or else his dad would spend it on alcohol. Treasures are found under old trees with dead limbs under the shadow at midnight.

What upset Becky and made her cry?

What upset Becky and made her cry? When Tom mentioned Amy Lawrence. Why did Tom run away from school? Becky wouldn’t talk to him.

What choice has Tom already made when the story opens?

When the story opens, Tom has already decided to stay home and work rather than attend the movies with his wife.

Why does he choose to risk his life to retrieve the paper?

Why does he choose to risk his life to retrieve the paper? Tom chooses to spend time on work rather than with his wife. Career ambition causes him to risk his life. Stories are also built on conflict.

What does Tom’s determination suggest about his willingness to take risks?

what does Tom’s determination sugget about his willingness to take risks? it shows he is willing to do whatever is necessary to be thrown.

Was the resolution of the story credible to you did you find Tom’s actions believable?

Did you find Tom’s actions believable? Yes, the resolution was dramatically credible to me. That is because it shows the character of Tom come a full circle and have the realization which will change the course of his life.

Do you find the story credible?

A story is credible if the reader can believe that whatever is narrated and dramatized is really happening. If there is something in the story that is not credible, or believable, the author loses the reader’s involvement.

What might the apartment represent to Tom what effect does its disappearance have on Tom?

It represents Tom and Clare’s income and social status and what he would like to get away from.

What is Tom’s internal conflict regarding the paper?

Tom climbs out onto the ledge and almost falls eleven stories trying to get the paper back. It is at this point that he realizes he has spent too much of his time trying to get ahead instead of enjoying life with his wife and accomplishing something of importance in his life. This is his internal conflict.

How does Finney make time slower?

How does Finney make time move slowly? Jack Finney makes time move slowly by detailing every moment of the Tom’s ordeal in detail. It is like the amount of time it takes for the event to happen is the same as the amount of time it takes for us to read it.