What does Victor think about Elizabeth?

What does Victor think about Elizabeth?

How does Victor feel about Elizabeth? He adores her and feels that she is “mine to protect, love, and cherish” and she is “my more than sister, since till death she was to be mine only.”

How did the way Elizabeth view nature and the world compare to Frankenstein’s?

How did the way Elizabeth view nature and the world compare to Frankenstein’s? Elizabeth contemplated with a serious and satisfied spirit, the magnificent appearances of things; Frankenstein delighted in investigating their causes.

How are females portrayed in Frankenstein?

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the author characterizes each woman as passive, disposable and serving a utilitarian function. Female characters like Safie, Elizabeth, Justine, Margaret and Agatha provide nothing more but a channel of action for the male characters in the novel.

What is Elizabeth’s opinion of Justine?

what is elizabeth’s opinion of justine? she thinks of her as a little sister and she feels protective of her.

Why did Justine die in Frankenstein?

Justine lives with the Frankenstein family as a servant after her mother dies. When William is murdered, the monster puts a photograph that William was carrying in her pocket, and she is accused of murder. She confesses falsely to the crime out of fear of going to Hell. She is executed.

What does Justine symbolize in Frankenstein?

Justine is the housekeeper for the Frankenstein family. We do not learn much about her character except that she embodies the best in suffering for a just cause. She represents graceful suffering in the face of injustice, much like a martyr.

What does Caroline symbolize in Frankenstein?

To the story as a whole, Caroline represents the ideal 18th century woman. She is represented as a nurturing, selfless, encouraging mother. In this way, her character contrasts Victor’s once he “births” the Creature. After he creates the Creature, Victor deserts him when he should have been more like his own mother.

Why does Justine confess in Frankenstein?

Why did Justine confess to the murder? Justine confesses to the crime, believing that she will thereby gain salvation, but tells Elizabeth and Victor that she is innocent—and miserable. Justine confesses to the murder of William so that she could be forgiven, by God, for all of the sins she had committed in her life.

Who is responsible for the creature’s actions in Frankenstein?


Who is more responsible for the deaths in Frankenstein?


Why does Victor hate the creature?

Victor’s anger towards the monster seems to be a vent of his own anger towards himself as he realises the time he has wasted, the relationships he has missed out on and his family’s tragedies. He blames the creature for his obsession with success.

Where does Victor get the body parts?

Victor explains: “I collected bones from charnel-houses [. . . .] The dissecting room and the slaughter-house furnished many of my materials” (54 – 55).

What was Caroline Beaufort’s dying wish?

Caroline Beaufort Frankenstein’s last wish before dying is for Victor and Elizabeth to be happily married.

What is the relationship between Victor and Elizabeth?

In the original version, Elizabeth is Victor’s cousin, the daughter of Alphonse’s sister; when Victor is four years old, Elizabeth’s mother dies and Elizabeth is adopted into the Frankenstein family. In the revised version, Elizabeth is discovered by Caroline, on a trip to Italy, when Victor is about five years old.

Why does Frankenstein seek revenge?

Victor desperately seeks revenge on his gruesome creation, the monster, which ultimately destroyed every bit of happiness he once possessed. The monster will stop at nothing to get revenge on Victor, his creator. He feels that it is Victor’s fault that he is lonely, detested, and abhorred by every living creature.

Why does Frankenstein destroy the monster’s female companion?

4) Why does Frankenstein destroy the Monster’s female companion? Frankenstein decides that he has a moral duty to destroy the female companion he is making for the Monster. He concludes that it would be selfish for him to create a companion for the Monster in order to save his own life.