What effect does the paradox in this excerpt have on the reader quizlet?

What effect does the paradox in this excerpt have on the reader quizlet?

What effect does the paradox in this excerpt have on the reader? It causes the reader to think about the multiple meanings of the word bear in the play. It causes the reader to think about how doing nothing should be easy, but in fact can be quite hard.

What is an understatement in figurative language?

An understatement is when you represent something as less than what it is. When you make an understatement, the issue at hand is minimalized or made to seem less important or severe. This can be done for an ironic effect or simply to be polite. An understatement is an important figure of speech.

What is the meaning of understatement?

1 : a statement that represents something as smaller or less intense, or less important than it really is : a statement that understates something To say that I was surprised by this outcome would be an understatement.

Is Understandment a word?

Understandment does not technically exist in the English lexicon. The word most closely resembling understandment is understanding. Here’s a list of synonyms for understanding.

What kind of word is understanding?

understanding used as a noun: Reason or intelligence, ability to grasp the full meaning of knowledge, ability to infer. Opinion, judgement or outlook.

What is a word for not understanding?

If you can’t hear or understand something, it’s unintelligible (and probably frustrating too).

What is the meaning of valid?

1 : having legal efficacy or force especially : executed with the proper legal authority and formalities a valid contract. 2a : well-grounded or justifiable : being at once relevant and meaningful a valid theory. b : logically correct a valid argument valid inference.

Does valid mean important?

Something that is valid is important or serious enough to make it worth saying or doing.

What’s a valid reason?

adjective. A valid argument, comment, or idea is based on sensible reasoning.

Does valid mean true?

Valid: an argument is valid if and only if it is necessary that if all of the premises are true, then the conclusion is true; if all the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true; it is impossible that all the premises are true and the conclusion is false. All deductive arguments aspire to validity.

What is the difference between valid and true?

Truth is the complete accuracy of whatever was, is, or will be, error-proof, beyond doubt, dispute or debate, a final test of right or wrong of people’s ideas and beliefs. Validity is defined as the internal consistency of an argument.

Can a valid deductive argument have a true conclusion and false premises?

A valid deductive argument cannot have all false premises and a true conclusion. A valid deductive argument can have all false premises and a false conclusion. 9. Whether an argument is valid has nothing to do with whether any of it’s premises are actually true.