What element has the same number of electrons as phosphorus?

What element has the same number of electrons as phosphorus?


What element is the same as phosphorus?

The periodic table is a chart that that shows how chemical elements are related to each other. Phosphorus is part of the nitrogen family along with nitrogen, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth.

What element below has the same number of valence electrons as phosphorus?

The properties of Nitrogen would be similar to the properties of Phosphorus, because they are in the same group and have the same number of valence electrons and similar chemical properties. An element’s reactivity is determined by the number of _____ found in an atom of the element.

What is the number of electrons in phosphorus?

2, 8, 5

Why is phosphorus very reactive?

In both the red and the black forms, each phosphorus atom forms three single bonds, which are spread apart sufficiently to be relatively strain free. Consistent with the metastable condition of the white modification, and the crowding of its covalent bonds, this form is far more reactive chemically than the others.

What happens when phosphorus reacts with oxygen?

Solid phosphorus reacts with gaseous oxygen to produce solid diphosphorus pentaoxide.

Will phosphorus reacts with oxygen?

Phosphorus reacts with oxygen, usually forming two oxides depending on the amount available oxygen: P4O6 when reacted with a limited supply of oxygen, and P4O10 when reacted with excess oxygen; the latter is shown below.

Does phosphorus explode?

Phosphorus reacts violently with oxidants, halogens, some metals, nitrites, sulfur, and many other compounds, causing an explosion hazard. Upper and lower explosive (flammable) limits in air are not available for white phosphorus.

Does phosphorus burn underwater?

White phosphorus is highly reactive, and spontaneously ignites at about 30°C in moist air. It is usually stored under water, to prevent exposure to the air. It is also extremely toxic, even in very small quantities.

Does water stop white phosphorus?

With a melting point of 44 °C, white phosphorus is insoluble in water [3] and above 30 °C, the particles spontaneously oxidize when in contact with the atmosphere forming phosphorus pentoxide [4] a strong desiccant and dehydrating agent.

What would cause phosphorus to be high?

Too much phosphate in the blood is known as hyperphosphatemia. The most common cause is kidney disease, but other conditions can lead to phosphate levels being out of balance. Phosphate is a chemical found in the body. It contains a mineral called phosphorus that occurs naturally in many foods.