What exertion means?

What exertion means?

: the act or an instance of exerting especially : a laborious or perceptible effort.

What is a exertion in medical terms?

Exertion, physiologically, can be described by the initiation of exercise, or, intensive and exhaustive physical activity that causes cardiovascular stress or a sympathetic nervous response. This can be continuous or intermittent exertion.

What word means great exertion?

strain, operation, employment, endeavor, use, utilization, stretch, effort, labor, application, exercise, travail, toil, struggle, trouble, attempt, industry, trial, activity, action.

What does lack of exertion mean?

Noun. A disinclination to action or work. lack of effort. no effort. apathy.

What does exertion mean in the sentence?

Definition of Exertion. the effort needed to complete a task. Examples of Exertion in a sentence. 1. After the surgery, I was told to avoid tasks that required a large amount of physical exertion.

What is self exertion?

In this way, self-exertion (jin ji) in the Confucian tradition is defined as “exerting the utmost effort” to fulfill the dual obligation to oneself morally and to one’s parents socially in pursuit of vertical goals.

What is the opposite of exertion?

Exertion is effort. Exercise requires physical exertion. Exertion means energy is coming out — so much so that when you’re done, you may feel exhausted. The opposite of ex- is in-, as in inertia — something you need exertion to overcome.

What is the synonym of exertion?

SYNONYMS. effort, strain, struggle, toil, endeavour, hard work, labour, industry, blood, sweat, and tears. pains, assiduity, assiduousness. exercise, activity.

What is the synonym and antonym of exertion?

Antonyms of EXERTION fluency, facility, misuse, inaction, entertainment, unemployment, endurance, suspension, cessation, laziness, adroitness, quiescence, idleness, fun, rest, languor, happiness, dormancy, smoothness, quiet, deliberation, immobility, inactivity, indolence, passion, inertia, suffering, peace.

What is the opposite of dark mode?

Dark mode is a software option that makes the user interface darker. The result is a pseudo-inverted interface that isn’t exactly the opposite of the “light mode,” but has mostly dark colors. Dark mode, also “night mode,” has been popular with developers for many years.

Is light the opposite of dark?

Originally Answered: Is light the opposite of darkness? No. Light would not be the opposite of darkness. Darkness would better be described as the absence of light.

What is the opposite of cruel?

Antonym of Cruel

Word Antonym
Cruel Humane, Kind
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is a cruel person called?

barbarian. noun. someone who is cruel or violent.

Is kind opposite of cruel?

In a language, not every word has a synonym, but not every word has an opposite. In general, adjectives and adverbs have opposite meanings, that is, words reporting quality and quantity often have opposite words. Opposites of Cruel; kind.

What is the positive word of cruel?

Some common synonyms of cruel are barbarous, ferocious, fierce, and savage. While all these words mean “showing fury or malignity in looks or actions,” cruel implies indifference to suffering and even positive pleasure in inflicting it.

What’s the difference between mean and cruel?

The difference between Cruel and Mean. When used as verbs, cruel means to spoil or ruin (one’s chance of success), whereas mean means to intend, to plan (to do). When used as adjectives, cruel means that intentionally causes or revels in pain and suffering, whereas mean means common.

What is a big word for love?

SYNONYMS FOR love 1 tenderness, fondness, predilection, warmth, passion, adoration. 2 liking, inclination, regard, friendliness. 15 like. 16 adore, adulate, worship.

What is a stronger word for I Love You?

What is another word for love you?

affection adoration
devotion like
attachment friendship
intimacy respect
amity amour