What gender is the German word handy?

What gender is the German word handy?

German, like all languages, borrows words from others, especially from English. Most, but not all, nouns of foreign origin are neuter – das Knowhow or das Know-How, das Auto, das Handy.

Is telephone in German masculine or feminine?

The English term “telephone” matches the German term “Telephon” Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.

What is the plural of Telefon in German?

Noun. Telefon n (genitive Telefons, plural Telefone) telephone.

What language is Anrufe?


What does Aufstehen mean in German?

verb. get up [phrasal verb] to (cause to) get out of bed.

How do you use the word Anrufen in a sentence?

I’ll call you at 6 p.m. He called me up from the airport. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.

What’s the difference between Anrufen and rufen?

The main difference is, that Anrufen always needs another person/object. Most people will use the verb anrufen, in the meaning of to give somebody a call (via telephone), while rufen is used for calling or shouting in general.

How do you use Einladen in a sentence?


  1. Er lädt seine Freunde zu einer Party ein. (He invites his friends to a party.)
  2. Ich lade dich zum Kaffee ein. (I invite you to coffee, also meaning that I am offering to pay).

How do you conjugate Anrufen?

Conjugate the verb anrufen:

  1. ich rufe an. du rufst an.
  2. er rief an. wir haben angerufen. …
  3. ihr werdet anrufen.
  4. sie würden anrufen.

How do you conjugate Bezahlen?

Conjugate the verb bezahlen:

  1. ich bezahle. du bezahlst.
  2. er bezahlte. wir haben bezahlt. …
  3. ihr werdet bezahlen.
  4. sie würden bezahlen.

How do you conjugate Essen?

Essen is a German irregular verb meaning to eat….Essen Conjugation: Present Tense.

ich esse
du isst
er/sie/es isst
wir essen
ihr esst

How do you conjugate Anfangen?

“Anfangen (To Begin) German Verb Conjugations.” ThoughtCo, Aug….AnfangenPast Perfect Tense – Plusquamperfekt.

Deutsch English
du hattest angefangen you had begun/started
er hatte angefangen sie hatte angefangen es hatte angefangen he had begun/started she had begun/started it had begun/started

How do you conjugate Helfen in German?

We begin the lesson with the present tense (präsens) of helfen. The stem change is crucial here as you will notice the change from “e” to “i” in the du and er/sie/es present tense forms….Helfen in the Present Tense (Präsens)

Deutsch English
ich helfe I help/am helping
du hilfst you help/are helping

How do you conjugate sehen in German?

Conjugate the verb sehen:

  1. ich sehe. du siehst.
  2. er sah. wir haben gesehen. …
  3. ihr werdet sehen.
  4. sie würden sehen.

What is the past tense of see in German?

Sehen in the Past Tense

Subject Pronoun sehen Conjugation Translation
Er/Sie/Es sah He/She/It saw/looked/watched
Wir sahen We saw/looked/watched
Ihr saht You (plural) saw/looked/watched
Sie sahen They saw/looked/watched

Is Machen a regular?

Regular Verb Endings Hannah is learning German. Here’s an example of the regular verb machen (pronounced MAHC-hen), which means ‘to do’, and its conjugations. The infinitive (the word you are given when you look it up in the dictionary) of the verb is machen.

Is sehen Akkusativ or Dativ?

Sehen uses Akkusativ like it would be used in my language but then I can’t rely on it because many others don’t overlap. Danke. To determine Dativ or Akkusativ you have to ask for “wem” for Dativ and “wen oder was” for Akkusativ.

What is dative in German?

The dative case, also known as dative object or indirect object, is the person or thing receiving the indirect action of a verb. In German grammar, the dative case is marked by changing articles and noun endings.

What is Akkusativ in German?

The accusative case, akkusativ, is the one that is used to convey the direct object of a sentence; the person or thing being affected by the action carried out by the subject. …

Is Antworten dative or accusative?

Open PDF

German English Category
antworten to answer dative verb
auffallen to occur to sb. dative sep. verb
ausweichen to avoid dative sep. verb
befehlen to command, order dative verb

Is bedanken a dative?

Note that many dative verbs also have an accusative be- prefix variation: antworten/beantworten, danken/bedanken, etc.

Is Helfen a dative?

Some of them you will learn quickly because they are used quite often, such as danken (to thank), gefallen (to be pleasing/to like), glauben (to believe), and helfen (to help). The important thing to remember is to use a dative article or pronoun after these verbs.

Does in take the dative in German?

“in” as a locative preposition This means that is can take accusative or dative depending on the clause.

What does für mean in German?

what kind

What case does an Take German?

In German, prepositions can be followed by nouns in various cases. An accusative preposition will always be followed by an object (a noun or pronoun) in the accusative case.

What does ins mean in German?

in das

Why is ins used in German?

2 Answers. Ins – in das – means that the destination is inside the theatre. Accusative is directional – going there. The combination of fahren and in is a bit confusing, but completely understandable.

What is German language called?

Why do we say Germany Not Deutschland?

For example, in the German language, the country is known as Deutschland from the Old High German diutisc, in Spanish as Alemania and in French as Allemagne from the name of the Alamanni tribe, in Italian as Germania from the Latin Germania (although the German people are called tedeschi), in Polish as Niemcy from the …