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What happened to Alice when she drank from the bottle?

What happened to Alice when she drank from the bottle?

After carefully inspecting the label to see if it was marked “poison,” Alice drinks the potion, which tastes, among other things, like roast turkey and buttered toast. She shrinks to be about ten inches tall. Later in the book, she encounters a similar bottle, without a label, which causes her to grow into a giant.

What does Alice follow down the rabbit hole?

The White Rabbit is a fictional character in Lewis Carroll’s 1865 book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. He appears at the very beginning of the book, in chapter one, wearing a waistcoat, and muttering “Oh dear! Alice follows him down the rabbit hole into Wonderland.

Did Alice fall down the rabbit hole?

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.

Can you shoot a rabbit in your yard?

If you live in california, it is definitely illegal to trap a rabbit unless you have a deprepation permit or commercial trapping license. Dont bother getting a hunting license since this is illegal anyway.

Do coffee grounds repel rabbits?

Coffee is an environmentally friendly way to repel unwanted insects and animals in the garden. The smell of the coffee repels snails, slugs and ants. You may also have success using coffee grounds to repel mammals, including cats, rabbits and deer.

Can you overfeed a rabbit?

Like children, bunnies will overeat if given the chance. Don’t give your rabbit unlimited pellets—he needs only 1/4 cup of pellets per 5 pounds of body weight each day. Bunnies often act hungry, even when they’re not. Remember, overfeeding leads to obesity!

What foods can kill rabbits?

So, what foods can kill a rabbit? Sugary human foods such as candy and soda are harmful to rabbits. Bunnies should not eat chocolate, avocado, apple seeds, tomato plants, almonds, belladonna, foxglove, or wild carrots. Other dangerous foods include ragwort, wild peas, and bracken.

Why do pet rabbits die suddenly?

Infectious Causes of Sudden Death in Rabbits The domestic rabbit, also known as the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), are prone to a multitude of infections that may cause them to die suddenly. Pathogens that may cause mortality in rabbits include those which are bacterial, viral, and protozoan.

How do rabbits act before they die?

Signs that a rabbit is near death include refusing to eat, an unusual level of lethargy, difficulty breathing, or a sudden change in vital signs. As much as we love our rabbits, death is a natural part of life. It is vital that you understand the common signs that let you know your rabbit is dying.

What do I do with a dead pet rabbit?

What to Do with a Dead Rabbit?

  1. Garbage Disposal. Check with your local refuse collector for state-specific rules.
  2. Composting. If you don’t wish to keep the remains, but prefer not to trash them, consider composting.
  3. Private Burial. Many people prefer to bury their pets at home.
  4. Private Cremation.

Is it cruel to keep a rabbit in a cage?

Locking your rabbit up Many cages sold by pet stores are far too small for even a young rabbit, let alone a grown one. Keeping them in these tiny cages can cause a range of health problems, including obesity and even deformities if they’re not able to move around naturally. It’s also cruel.

What happens to a rabbits body after it dies?

When your rabbit is dying, you may see their breathing becomes altered, they may become agitated and make nervous movements. Their pulse will slow down and they may start to have tremors or even stiffen. Some people may wonder why their rabbit died stretched out, but this is common in rabbits.