What happens to a substance when it gains electrons?

What happens to a substance when it gains electrons?

Similarly, when a substance gains electrons, it is reduced. By gaining electrons, it is causing some other substance to give up those electrons. Therefore, by undergoing reduction, the substance is causing another substance to be oxidized and is called an oxidizing agent.

Why is it called oxidation and reduction?

In the early days of chemistry, oxidation was defined as a gain of oxygen atoms, and reduction was a loss of oxygen atoms. The Hg was said to be reduced because it lost an oxygen atom. Eventually, chemists realized that the reaction involved a transfer of electrons from O to Hg .

What is the correct name for KMnO4?

Potassium manganate(VII)

What is the Colour of KMnO4 solution?

Potassium permanganate

Appearance Purplish-bronze-gray needles Magenta–rose in solution
Odor odorless
Density 2.7 g/cm3
Melting point 240 °C (464 °F; 513 K) (decomposes)

What is the Colour of KMnO4 Crystal?

Chemical Properties of Potassium Permanganate It has a rich purple colour in concentrated solution and pink colour in diluted solution.

Why is KMnO4 solution kept in dark bottles?

Hint: KMnO4 is potassium permanganate. It is an inorganic compound composed of K + and MnO – 4. If the KMnO4 is a photosensitive, then there will be some changes will happen when it is get exposed to light. Dark bottles are used to cut off sunlight and so, KMnO4 are stored in dark bottles.

What are the side effects of potassium permanganate?

Ingestion of potassium permanganate may result in damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. Also it may cause systemic toxic effects such as adult respiratory distress syndrome, coagulopathy, hepatic-renal failure, pancreatitis and even death in severe cases.

Is KMnO4 a primary standard solution?

KMnO4 is not used as primary standard because it is difficult to obtain the pure state of KMnO4 as it is not free from MnO2.

Is kmno4 a secondary standard?

potassium dichromate is primary standard as it is highly soluble in aqueous medium and does dissociate in presence of sunlight.. whereas potassium permanganate is secondary standard as it gets precipitated and dissociated in presence of sunlight.

Can we prepare standard solution of kmno4?

Add 250 mL of purified water (freshly boiled and cooled) and 10 mL sulfuric acid (96% H2SO4, sp g 1.84). Add rapidly from a buret about 95% of the theoretical quantity of potassium permanganate solution needed; stir until the solution is clear.

Is kmno4 a secondary standard solution?

A secondary standard solution of KMnO4 is usually titrated by oxalic acid, a primary standard, and then used to determine the concentration of a number of other analytes. The reaction with oxalic acid can be summarized as 5H2C2O4+2MnO4−+6H+⟶10CO2+2Mn2++8H2O where everything except MnO4− is colorless.

Why is na2s2o3 a secondary standard?

Answer. Sodium hydroxide cannot be used as a primary standardbecause of its hygroscopic properties as a solid. Because it is so prone to absorbing water, it is impossible to accurately measure the mass of a solid sample, so instead it must be put into solution and titrated with a known acidic solution.

Why is HCl a secondary standard?

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) solutions as a secondary standard A HCl solution is used as it can be prepared accurately and is quite stable. Because of this stability it is called a secondary standard. Even more accurate and stable standards are called primary standards.

Is h2so4 a secondary standard?

Secondary Standard Solutions As noted above, substances like hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid are not suitable for use as primary standards because the concentration of the commercially available concentrated acids is not known accurately.