What idea about human nature or life is the author trying to express through the characters or events?

What idea about human nature or life is the author trying to express through the characters or events?


What do Sergei’s first two wishes reveal about his character how are these wishes like his reaction when one looks at his goldfish how are the wishes different from his reaction?

How are the wishes different from his reaction? He is selfless. Because of his second wish, he becomes very protective of his things, especially his goldfish. He is caring, but when he does something wrong he doesn’t want to be responsible.

What did Sergei wish for?

His wishes are to cure his sister of cancer, heal Sveta’s son without telling Sveta how it came about, and bring Yonatan back to life even though Sergei knows he will have to set the fish free. When did Sergei give up when he used his last wish?

What theme about happiness does this story convey through Sergei’s situation and actions?

The story theme of happiness conveyed through Sergei’s situation and actions and the outcome of events is that happiness is not permanent; Sveta left Sergei for a police officer, Sergei moved far from his family, his goldfish and only friend left him, and in the end, Yoni went on living his life barely remembering …

What of this goldfish would you wish central idea?

The theme of this story is to be careful how you spend things because you never know how you might need to use them later.

What of this goldfish would you wish archetypes?

The short story “What, of this goldfish, Would You Wish? ‘ is a emotive short story written by Etgar Keret. In this story he uses Archetype of the innocent youth being Yonatan an ambitious young documenter, he has a bombastic idea for a documentary which he decides to solely execute by himself.

What is the theme of what of this goldfish?

The theme of wishing for what is needed and wanted goes to the stories “The Monkey’s Paw” “What of this Goldfish, Would You Wish?” and “The Three Brothers.” These texts show different outcomes towards the theme and how all the choices affected the characters.

What of this goldfish would you wish story summary?

In the the short story What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish? by Etgar Keret, Yoni a young man with a thirst or making it big by creating a documentary knocking on doors, and asking people if they had three wishes from a magic goldfish what would they ask for.

Did Sergei use his last wish to save Yoni?

Explain. Yes, It allows you to figure out on your own that Sergei made the right decision and used his last and final wish to save Yoni. A theme is an important idea about life or human nature expressed through a story’s characters and event.

What was Sergei’s second wish?

The second wish Sergei used up five years ago, on Sveta’s boy. The kid was still small then, barely three, but the doctors already knew. Something in her son’s head wasn’t right. He was going to grow big but not in the brain.

What do Sergei’s actions tell you about his personality?

What is the effect? Sergei’s actions show he is a violent and impulsive person. Yoni believed that Sergei was a nice, quiet man which was the opposite.

What is Yoni motivation for making his video?

Yoni’s motivation is to make a touching, reflective and very original documentary, something never seen before, something impressive.

What is Yonatan’s motivation for making the film?

What is Yonatan’s motivation for making the film? Highlight the related text in yellow, but write the answer in your own words . His motivation was that he was excited to make clips of surprising responses.

What is the purpose of Yoni’s project?

Yoni’s project is to knock on people’s doors and askthem what they would do if a talking goldfish granted the three wishes.

How many wishes does the goldfish grant?

three wishes

What is a message about life or human nature that a writer wants you to understand?

The theme is the message the writer wants to share with the reader. It is usually an understanding about life or human nature.

What is the central message or perception that the writer wants to convey to the readers?

The term theme can be defined as the underlying meaning of a story. It is the message the writer is trying to convey through the story. Often the theme of a story is a broad message about life. The theme of a story is important because a story’s theme is part of the reason why the author wrote the story.

What were Sergei’s three wishes?

What are the three wishes? All three wishes show that he acts for the good of other rather than putting himself first. His wishes are to cure his sister of cancer, heal Sveta’s son without telling Sveta how it came about, and bring Yonatan back to life even though Sergei knows he will have to set the fish free.

How are the wishes different from his reaction?

How are the wishes different from his reaction? He is impulsive. Lines 135-144: What technique does the author use to tell us about Sergei’s wishes?

What was the theme of what of this goldfish would you wish?