What instructions does Circe give Odysseus?

What instructions does Circe give Odysseus?

What instructions does Circe give Odysseus? To get back to Ithaca, they must sail to Hades, the land of the dead.

What advice does Circe give Odysseus before he leaves her place?

Circe warns Odysseus that he will not see Penelope or Telemachus ever again if he listens to the sound of the Sirens. In order to make it past the Sirens, Odysseus must plug the ears of his men.

What does Circe do to Odysseus men and what instructions does Circe give Odysseus?

Circe drugs a band of Odysseus’s men and turns them into pigs. When Odysseus goes to rescue them, Hermes approaches him in the form of a young man. He tells Odysseus to eat an herb called moly to protect himself from Circe’s drug and then lunge at her when she tries to strike him with her sword.

What must Odysseus do to Circe after she has failed to transform him?

Key Questions and Answers When Odysseus fails to transform into a pig after drinking Circe’s potion, Circe realizes he must be the famed “man of twists and turns” and invites him into her bed. Odysseus and his men stay on her island for a year, and Odysseus only asks to leave when his men demand it.

How does Odysseus lose his entire crew?

Expert Answers Odysseus lost six men from the crew of each ship to the Ciconians at Ismarus; they were attacked at night by the survivors of the town they’d sacked. He then lost six men total when they were eaten for meals, two at a time, by the Cyclops, Polyphemus.

Why is Odysseus not a hero?

Odysseus is not a hero because, he is foolish, lacks faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. Although he may be considered a war hero, Odysseus is not a hero in other respects. This is so because he is self-centered which is clear because he doesn’t value other people’s lives.

Did Achilles marry briseis?

When Achilles led the assault on Lyrnessus during the Trojan War, he captured Briseis and slew her parents and brothers. When Odysseus, Ajax, and Phoenix visit Achilles to negotiate her return in book 9, Achilles refers to Briseis as his wife or his bride.