What is 45 rounded to the nearest 10th?

What is 45 rounded to the nearest 10th?

The last digit of 45 is a 5. The rule is that if it is 5 or more it rounds up. To the nearest 10, 45 rounds to 50.

What numbers can be rounded to the nearest 10 to?

Rules for Rounding

  • If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten is 40.
  • If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: 33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30.

What is 46 to the nearest 10?


What is 55 rounded to the nearest tenth?

If it’s all five then just round to the bigger ten , hundred or thousand. like if it’s five then rounded to the nearest ten would be 10 . if it’s 55 rounded to the nearest hundred is 100.

What is 75 rounded to the nearest tenth?


What is 56 rounded to the nearest tenth?

To round 56 to the nearest tens place… The digit in the tens place in your number is the 5. To begin the rounding, look at the digit one place to the right of the 5, or the 6, which is in the ones place. Adding 1 to the 5 in the tens place, making it a 6.

Whats 15 rounded to the nearest 10?

Look at the number line, then click the closest ten. 15 is right in the middle between 10 and 20. 15 has a 5 so we say it is closer to 20.

What is the nearest ten of 32?

32 the nearest tens is 30. 52 the nearest tens is 50.

How do you explain the nearest 10?

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 means finding which 10 they are nearest to. For example, 68 rounded to the nearest 10 is 70.

What is 87 to the nearest 100?

Rounding Math Hunt

Question Answer
What is 87 rounded to the nearest hundred? 100
What is 106 rounded to the nearest ten? 110
What is 673 rounded to the nearest hundred? 700
What is 602 rounded to the nearest ten? 600

How do you know when to round up?

Rounding is a process to estimate a particular number in a context. To round a number look at the next digit in the right place, if the digit is less than 5, round down and if the digit is 5 or more than 5, round up.

What is the nearest Tens of 29?

1. Rounding off to the nearest ten: The digit to the right of rounding digit in 29 is 9.