What is a another word for shelter?

What is a another word for shelter?

Synonyms of shelter

  • asylum,
  • bolt-hole.
  • [chiefly British],
  • harbor,
  • harborage,
  • haven,
  • refuge,
  • retreat,

What is a synonym and antonym for shelter?

shelterverb. Synonyms: shield, conceal, cover, protect, screen. Antonyms: expose, surrender, betray, imperil, endanger.

What is a antonym for shelter?

shelter(v) Antonyms: expose, surrender, betray, imperil, endanger. Synonyms: shield, conceal, cover, protect, screen.

What do you call a place where homeless people live?

Homeless shelters are a type of homeless service agency which provide temporary residence for homeless individuals and families. Shelters exist to provide residents with safety and protection from exposure to the weather while simultaneously reducing the environmental impact on the community.

What is noun of prefer?

The noun form of “prefer” is. Preference. Preference is defined as a great liking for one alternative over or above the other.

What is the adjective for explode?

adjective. tending or serving to explode: an explosive temper; Nitroglycerin is an explosive substance. pertaining to or of the nature of an explosion: explosive violence.

What is the verb form of explosion?

explode. (transitive) To destroy with an explosion. (transitive) To destroy violently or abruptly. (transitive) To create an exploded view of.

What is the verb of water?

watered; watering; waters. Definition of water (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to moisten, sprinkle, or soak with water water the lawn.

What does ? emoji mean?

The fire emoji is a flame that is mostly yellow with a little red on the top. It is used to signify that something is cool, awesome, exciting, or more colloquially, “on fire.” It can also convey that someone is sexy, (i.e., hot), or refer to other various metaphorical fires.