What is a banal question?

What is a banal question?

​very ordinary and containing nothing that is interesting or important. a banal conversation about the weather. He knew how banal the question was as soon as he had asked it.

What is a banal statement?

A banality is a trite, boring, or overused remark. That includes clichés like “life is short” and your basic small talk about the weather. Banalities are sayings that almost everyone uses, and because they’re so well-known, they’ve lost all their power. These expressions are clichéd and many people find them annoying.

Is candor a compliment?

Candor is a compliment; it implies equality. It’s how true friends talk.

What does it mean to embrace candor?

Candor requires openness, sincerity, clear communication, and a bit of personal exposure. When you exert candor in your communication, you encourage others to do the same. Candid communication allows you to both give and get the information you need to improve your team performance and professional growth.

Is candor and honesty the same thing?

while candor does relate to honesty, it usually has a sense of being not only honest, but direct, frank, or otherwise outspoken. So this means that by being sincere while being honest means being direct, but also in a considerate way.

How do you use the word candor?

Candor in a Sentence ?

  1. Because the realtor was an honest woman, she replied with candor about the damage to the house.
  2. When you speak in public about your sex life, you may discover that everyone does not appreciate your candor.
  3. The politician’s candor and honesty made him the favorite candidate in the election.

What’s another word for Candour?

Candour Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for candour?

honesty directness
frankness sincerity
truthfulness forthrightness
openness outspokenness
straightforwardness fairness