What is a better word for seriously?

What is a better word for seriously?

What is another word for seriously?

solemnly earnestly
purposefully resolutely
sedately sincerely
determinedly fervently
intently passionately

What’s another word for very serious?

What is another word for serious?

glum solemn
reflective resolute
resolved ruminative
sedate sombreUK
subdued thoughtful

What is the adjective of serious?

adjective. of, showing, or characterized by deep thought. of grave or somber disposition, character, or manner: a serious occasion; a serious man. being in earnest; sincere; not trifling: His interest was serious. requiring thought, concentration, or application: serious reading; a serious task.

What type of word is thoughtfulness?

adjective. showing consideration for others; considerate. characterized by or manifesting careful thought: a thoughtful essay.

What is another name for thoughtfulness?

What is another word for thoughtfulness?

accuracy attention
attentiveness care
carefulness consideration
kindheartedness kindness
meticulousness precision

How do you describe someone’s kindness?

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

What is the difference between love and kindness?

Difference between Kindness and Love Kindness is a behavior characterized by benevolent goodness. When a person acts compassionately or generously towards another person or animal, he or she is said to be kind. Love is an emotion that is felt towards other people, animals, and even objects.

Is kindness part of love?

So, kindness is the motivation for kind deeds – just as is love. Aziz – I agree with you – they’re the same upon delivery. But I would go further and say that they also stem from the same impulse: love/kindness. Love and kindness are the same internal feeling and impulse and they are both expressed by kind/loving acts.

How do you practice loving kindness?

How to Practice Loving Kindness Meditation

  1. Carve out some quiet time for yourself (even a few minutes will work) and sit comfortably.
  2. Imagine yourself experiencing complete physical and emotional wellness and inner peace.
  3. Repeat three or four positive, reassuring phrases to yourself.

What is a mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.

What is the difference between loving-kindness and compassion?

Loving-kindness is often paired with compassion. The difference is very subtle. It is best explained as our attention for all beings to be happy, whereas compassion is our attention for all beings to be free from suffering.

What is a Maitri?

With an objective to attract investment and employment in the State, Maharashtra Government has launched one stop shop Maharashtra Industry, Trade and Investment Facilitation Cell (MAITRI), the cell marks a paradigm shift in role of the Government from being a regulator to that of facilitator.

What are the benefits of loving-kindness meditation?

Loving-Kindness Meditation packs a punch when it comes to health and happiness.

  • Increases positive emotions and decreases negative emotions.
  • Increases vagal tone which increases positive emotions and feelings of social connection.
  • Decreases Migraines.
  • Decreases Chronic Pain.
  • Decreases PTSD.

Why do I cry during loving kindness meditation?

Crying during meditation is often a manifestation of unresolved and suppressed emotions in our subconscious. When your mind is free of thought, you are able to take a good look into yourself. An important fact to note is that crying during meditation can be a result of negative or positive triggers.

What is loving kindness in DBT?

WhaT iS lOvinG kinDneSS? Loving kindness is a mindfulness practice designed to increase love and compas- sion first for ourselves and then for our loved ones, for friends, for those we are angry with, for difficult people, for enemies, and then for all beings.