What is a better word for unique?

What is a better word for unique?

What is another word for unique?

exclusive classic
unparalleled unprecedented
incomparable inimitable
irreplaceable matchless
one-off standout

How do you say your unique?

That’s a lot of ways to say unique! Let’s recap our list:

  1. Unique as a Blue Diamond. Exclusive. Rare. Spectacular. Have no equal. Matchless.
  2. Unique Like an Odd Duck. Atypical. Different. Curious. Bizarre. Unconventional.
  3. Unique as One and Only. Distinctive. Singular. Novel. Original.

Can you modify the word unique?

‘Unique’ is often cited as a word that should never be modified, as its original meanings were “being the only one” and “unequaled.” But ‘unique’ has another meaning, “unusual,” and it’s common to modify the word when it’s used this way.

What is the most unique name?

Unique and unusual Baby Names 2019

Rank Girls Names Boys Names
1 Tallie Drey
2 Kailani Dewey
3 Rochella Danyon
4 Trixibelle Jetaime

What is original mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : of, relating to, or constituting an origin or beginning : initial the original part of the house. 2a : not secondary, derivative, or imitative an original composition. b : being the first instance or source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is or can be made.

What kind of word is original?

adjective. belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding. new; fresh; inventive; novel: an original way of advertising.

What is another word for original?

What is another word for original?

creative imaginative
innovative fresh
innovatory novel
ingenious inventive
unique unusual

What is an OG person?

OG is a slang term for someone who’s incredibly exceptional, authentic, or “old-school.” It can be earnestly used for a legend like Michael Jordan or more ironically, like for that friend who can unwrap a Starburst with their mouth.

What’s the definition of bohemian?

a : a person (such as a writer or an artist) living an unconventional life usually in a colony with others. b : vagabond, wanderer especially : romani.

What is a Bohemian wedding?

A Bohemian Wedding is like pages from a mythical woodland enchanted book. Boho Chic Weddings have a distinct soft and romantic feel that is earthy and inspired by nature and the beautiful outdoors. Braids, greenery, flowers, soft waves, and long hair are beautiful bohemian hair styles.

Is Boho the same as rustic?

Well, there’s definitely some crossover between the two but there are differences. If you stick to the thought that a rustic wedding theme is very natural with lots of organic, outdoorsy elements while a boho wedding theme is more free-spirited, alternative and eclectic, you won’t go far wrong.

What are bohemian colors?

Bohemian Colors Think deep browns, greens, and grays for base colors, and then accessorize with saturated purple, fiery orange, and electric blue. Combining and layering colors is what makes this style unique.

What is a better word for unique?

What is a better word for unique?

What is another word for unique?

exclusive classic
unparalleled unprecedented
incomparable inimitable
irreplaceable matchless
one-off standout

What is a word for uniqueness?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for uniqueness, like: singularity, authenticity, particularity, essence, distinctiveness, singleness, centrality, otherness, individuality, oneness and universality.

What is a positive word for unusual?

SYNONYMS FOR unusual extraordinary, remarkable; rare, strange, singular, curious, queer, odd.

What are some words for unusual?


  • uncommon, abnormal, atypical, unexpected, surprising, unfamiliar, unwonted, different.
  • strange, odd, curious, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, out of the way, unorthodox, uncustomary, unconventional, outlandish, offbeat, off-centre, deviant, novel, singular, peculiar, queer, bizarre, freakish, quirky, alien.

What is the most unusual animal?

15 of the Strangest Animals in the World and Where to See Them

  • 2: Harpy Eagle. With a look that suggests a cross between a cockatoo and a bird of prey, the harpy eagle is one of the most distinct birds on the planet.
  • 3: Coatimundi.
  • 4: Jabiru Stork.
  • 5: Axolotl.
  • 6: Naked Mole Rat.
  • 7: Pangolin.
  • 8: Tasmanian Devil.
  • 9: Echidna.

How do you say something is unfair?


  1. unfair. adjective. not fair or reasonable.
  2. unjust. adjective. an unjust decision, judgment, or action is not fair or reasonable, or is not done according to accepted legal or moral standards.
  3. unequal. adjective.
  4. unreasonable. adjective.
  5. one-sided. adjective.
  6. arbitrary. adjective.
  7. biased. adjective.
  8. wrongful. adjective.

What is the word for unfair treatment?

mistreat. verb. to treat someone in an unfair or cruel way.

What is a rightful act?

In an abstract sense, justice, ethical correctness, or harmony with the rules of law or the principles of morals. They include the rights of property, marriage, protection by law, freedom to contract, trial by jury, and the like.

What does rightful place mean?

If you say that someone or something has returned to its rightful place or position, they have returned to the place or position that you think they should have.

What is a meaning of good?

morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health. of high quality; excellent.

What are examples of good?

The definition of good is someone or something that is efficient, useful, healthy, strong, happy or skilled. An example of good is a washing machine that cleans clothes well and doesn’t use much water. An example of good is a productive employee. An example of good is 20/20 vision.

What is positive word?

A positive word is a word which has a positive meaning or imposes a positive meaning on an existing word. For example. if you take the sentence ‘this is a cake’ but you wanted to convey that the cake was really good, you could use a positive word to imply that.

What is a better word for unique?

What is a better word for unique?

What is another word for unique?

exclusive classic
unparalleled unprecedented
incomparable inimitable
irreplaceable matchless
one-off standout

What is a word for uniqueness?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for uniqueness, like: singularity, authenticity, particularity, essence, distinctiveness, singleness, centrality, otherness, individuality, oneness and universality.

What should you say about yourself unique?

How to answer “What makes you unique?”

  • Mention skills listed in the job description.
  • Provide examples from your background.
  • Avoid generic phrases like “I’m a hard worker”.
  • Include key personality traits that will allow you to deliver similar results in the future.

What makes you a unique candidate?

To sum up, here are the main points to remember when asked in an interview what makes you unique: Focus on what sets you apart from other candidates in terms of your skills or experience. Don’t be blinded by the word ‘unique’ – the interviewer wants to find out what makes you interesting, not completely off-the-wall.

What are examples of aspirations?

Some examples of career aspirations are:

  • Managerial success.
  • Executive positions.
  • Owning a business.
  • Becoming an expert.
  • Earning acclaim and prestige.

What are my best skills?

The top ten skills graduate recruiters want

  1. Commercial awareness (or business acumen) This is about knowing how a business or industry works and what makes a company tick.
  2. Communication.
  3. Teamwork.
  4. Negotiation and persuasion.
  5. Problem solving.
  6. Leadership.
  7. Organisation.
  8. Perseverance and motivation.

Do we say good in or good at?

Good “in” used when the phrase is followed by verb, whereas Good ‘at’ is used when the phrase is followed by a noun. E.g. – A person is good in writing poems A person is good at poetry.

Is everybody good at something?

It is true that everybody is good at something, But as far as the question of choice is concerned we have no choices. What you are good at is predetermined. The only option you have is to uncover or unpack the gift which you already have. You cannot choose what you’re good at.

What is it called when someone is really good at something?

adept. noun. someone who is very skilled at doing something or who knows a lot about something.

How can you tell if you’re good at something?

How to know you’re good at something.

  1. You get paid for it. This is the most named indicator for knowing you’re good at something.
  2. You receive compliments. If you get complimented, this must mean you’re good at what you’re doing, right?
  3. You have a lot of followers. This point refers to social media.
  4. It comes easy to you.