What is a better word for very well?

What is a better word for very well?

other words for very well affirmative. amen. fine. good. okay.

What is mean by extremely good?

A subjective answer indicating the opinion of being well skilled. (

How can you break the habit of negative self talk?

Start by following one simple rule: Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anyone else. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself. If a negative thought enters your mind, evaluate it rationally and respond with affirmations of what is good about you. Think about things you’re thankful for in your life.

What are the four common forms of negative self talk?

The tricky thing about negative self-talk is that it can come in many forms. According to Mayo Clinic, there are four main ones to be exact: personalizing, filtering, catastrophizing, and polarizing.

What are the three steps of self talk?

  • Step 1 – Become aware of your thoughts, self-talk and mindset. Stop the autopilot!
  • Step 2 – Noticing patterns, self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs and the inner critic.
  • Step 3 – Take action: Control your thoughts, master your mind and self-talk!

How can I practice positive self talk?

15 Ways to Practice Positive Self-Talk for Success

  1. Have a Purpose Higher Than Self.
  2. Cut Overly Negative People out of Your Life.
  3. Be Grateful.
  4. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others.
  5. Use Positive Words with Others.
  6. Believe in Your Success.
  7. Don’t Fear Failure.
  8. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones.

How can I gain confidence in my brain?

5 Ways to Train Your Brain and Boost Your Self-Esteem

  1. Stop comparing other people’s strengths to your weaknesses.
  2. Use insecurities to your advantage.
  3. Caring about what people think about you is good. Worrying about what they think is pointless.
  4. You think people know more about you than they actually do.

How do you build confidence in others?

5 Ways You Can Help Build a Friend’s Confidence

  1. Give a Compliment. Complimenting somebody is such a simple thing, yet people are strangely afraid of it.
  2. Take the Time to Listen. Everybody is struggling with something.
  3. Support their Leadership.
  4. Encourage Friends to do Great Things.
  5. Accept Them For Who They Are.

What happens to your brain when you are confident?

We know from brain imaging studies that when we are thinking positively, we activate what we call “the value Areas” of the brain in regions including the striatum and prefrontal cortex. When we feel confident, we engage circuits involved in reward and pleasure and we literally feel good.

What is a better word for very well?

What is a better word for very well?

other words for very well affirmative. amen. fine. good. okay.

How do you describe very good?

Excellent. “Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality. Almost anything you can describe as “good,” you can also describe as excellent.

What is a fancy way to say good?

What is another word for good?

excellent exceptional
nice pleasant
positive satisfactory
satisfying superb
wonderful acceptable

What can I say instead of good?

You can call it excellent, fine, enjoyable, and splendid. But that’s not all—you might call it awesome, great, admirable, and pleasing. If you’re talking about high-quality food and drink, however, you might use fine and excellent instead of good, but you could also say it’s choice, superior, or even exquisite.

How do you say I am good in different ways?

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  • I’m fine thank you.
  • I feel great / marvellous / fine.
  • Couldn’t be better.
  • Fit as a fiddle.
  • Very well, thanks.
  • Okay.
  • Alright.
  • Not bad.

What’s a word for positive change?

What is another word for change for the better?

improve reform
boost smarten
amplify increase
better further
make better touch up

What are some positive d words?

Positive Adjectives That Start With D

  • daffy.
  • dainty.
  • dandy.
  • dapper.
  • daring.
  • dashing.
  • daughterly.
  • dazzling.

How do you say OK in a formal way?

Good replacements for “OK” in a conversation are: yep, fine, no problem, all right, I agree, acknowledged, I approve, very well, yes, cool, sounds good to me, certainly, without a doubt, no doubt, no problem, sure, affirmative, definitely, indeed.

What are different ways to say OK?


  1. agreeable,
  2. all right,
  3. alright,
  4. copacetic.
  5. (also copasetic or copesetic),
  6. ducky,
  7. fine,
  8. good,

How do you say OK in Japanese?

OK is also used in Japanese so you can say OK desu. Alternatively, you can use daijoobu desu. The word 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ) daijoobu literally means “fine, alright”.

How do you say OK in text?

There are many different ways one can text the word “okay.” You can spell the whole word out (okay), only use the first two letters (ok), or use a double (kk) or single (k) k.

Is texting OK rude?

Don’t Text ‘OK’ If someone asks you a question online or over text, do not respond with “OK.” or “Yes.” You might use “sure” or “yep” without punctuation; you should probably add an exclamation mark. Otherwise you might sound passive aggressive, dismissive, or angry. There’s a good reason for this.

Is Hmm rude?

‘Hmm’ is condescending. It is disrespectful. It is a waste of time. And it means you should not be having this conversation in the first place.

How do you reply to a text k?

If she texted “K”, I would reply with “L” and it would go on. I would cheat and complete by reaching “Z” .

What is K slang for?

K is slang for one thousand. K is slang for Ketamine.

What does K mean in the hood?

The abbreviation K is typically used as a way of shortening the abbreviation “OK” (meaning “Okay”) still further. As with “Okay”, the use of K indicates acceptance, agreement, approval, or acknowledgment. However, it may sometimes be interpreted as lacking enthusiasm.

What does Big K mean in slang?

a generous; magnanimous. that’s very big of you.

What are K words?

6 letter words that start with k

  • kababs.
  • kabaka.
  • kabala.
  • kabobs.
  • kabuki.
  • kaftan.
  • kahuna.
  • kaiaks.