What is a consonant word?

What is a consonant word?

A consonant is a speech sound that is not a vowel. It also refers to letters of the alphabet that represent those sounds: Z, B, T, G, and H are all consonants. Consonants are all the non-vowel sounds, or their corresponding letters: A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y are not consonants.

What words can you make with poise?

Words that can be made with poise

  • epos.
  • opes.
  • peso.
  • pies.
  • piso.
  • pois.
  • pose.
  • sipe.

How do you spell consonant in words?


  1. (in English articulation) a speech sound produced by occluding with or without releasing (p, b; t, d; k, g), diverting (m, n, ng), or obstructing (f, v; s, z, etc.)
  2. (in a syllable) any sound other than the sound of greatest sonority in the syllable, as b, r, and g in brig (opposed to sonant).

What are some examples of consonance?

Examples of Consonance:

  • Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter-repetition of the “t,” and “r” sounds.
  • The lint was sent with the tent-repetition of the “nt” sound.
  • I think I like the pink kite-repetition of the “k” sound.

What does consonance mean in literature?

Consonance is the repetition of the same consonant sounds in a line of text. These alike sounds can appear anywhere in the word, but will usually be found at its end or middle, or at the end of the stressed syllable.

What is a repeated phrase in a poem called?

The term anaphora refers to a poetic technique in which successive phrases or lines begin with the same words, often resembling a litany. The repetition can be as simple as a single word or as long as an entire phrase. History of Anaphora.

What is the scientific term for repetition?

Synonym: iteration, rehearsal. See tautology. Origin: L. Repetitio: cf. Repetition.

Can you stop a tic?

In many instances, no treatment is needed and the tics will resolve on their own. In other cases, doctors may prescribe behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Behavioral therapy helps people learn to manage their tic symptoms and reduce tic frequency.

Are tics caused by anxiety?

Tics can happen randomly and they may be associated with something such as stress, anxiety, tiredness, excitement or happiness. They tend to get worse if they’re talked about or focused on.