What is a fancy word for event?

What is a fancy word for event?

Synonyms of event

  • affair,
  • circumstance,
  • episode,
  • hap,
  • happening,
  • incident,
  • occasion,
  • occurrence,

What is another word for a significant event?

What is another word for significant event?

special event exceptional event
exceptional occurrence important event
momentous event noteworthy occasion
special occasion special occurrence
unique event

What is a harbinger event?

harbinger \HAHR-bun-jer\ noun. 1 : one that initiates a major change : a person or thing that originates or helps open up a new activity, method, or technology : pioneer. 2 : something that foreshadows a future event : something that gives an anticipatory sign of what is to come.

Is Harbinger good or bad?

Harbinger is still used in English to describe someone who is sent ahead to arrange lodging or to announce an important person’s arrival, but today it’s more likely to be used metaphorically to describe a sign that foretells the coming of some person or event.

Who is the harbinger of death?

Harbinger Of Death is the supernatural power to sense an impending death or a death that has already happened. Right before she disappeared she had an epiphany and realized she was a messenger or Angel of the dead Kara Thrace.

Is Kara Thrace The harbinger of death?

Kara being the “harbinger of death” can also be explained as her having died and then being brought back to life. Thus, she is “living proof” of the notion that everything dies and that there is life after death. This is evidenced by her role in the events leading up to the destruction of the Cylon Hub.

Are Banshees harbingers of death?

Irish legend speaks of a lament being sung by a fairy woman, or banshee. The banshee also is a predictor of death. If someone is about to enter a situation where it is unlikely they will come out alive she will warn people by screaming or wailing, giving rise to a banshee also being known as a wailing woman.

How did Starbuck die on earth?

Kara Thrace, a prominent character of the famous sci-fi series Battlestar Galactica, or more famously known as Starbuck was purportedly dead while fighting Cylon battle ships amidst a solar storm along with Lee Adama or Capt. Apollo and others.

Why did Starbuck kill herself?

According to Sackhoff, Starbuck originally “didn’t value her own life,” inspiring her readiness to die for her shipmates. By the end of the series, however, she is prepared to sacrifice herself for others because of her respect for all life.

Who is the 13th Cylon?

Tigh is actually a survivor of the ill-fated 13th tribe, a tribe made entirely of Humanoid Cylons. He is approximately 2000 years old, with his last body having been operational since the first cylon war – any memories prior to that time are artificial.

Is Kara Thrace an angel?

Kara Thrace was an angel sent by God. She quite clearly died in the explosion in the maelstrom. Lee saw it happen right in front of him. Therefore her body (“Charbuck”) showing up on Old Earth was nothing short of a miracle, as was the pristine Viper and her return to the fleet at the end of season 3, alive and well.

Is Gaius Baltar God?

Gaius Baltar, initially sceptical of all religion, is converted to the Cylon faith though the persuasion of his Messenger Six and comes to conclude that he is an agent of God (The Hand of God). Despite this Baltar is far from a model believer and his path of faith is very rocky.

Was Kara Thrace The father of Daniel?

It’s not Daniel, as RDM has specifically said he’s not a part of the series and was only important insofar as he was mentioned in passing as being Abel to Cavil’s Cain. I’ve always held that it’s God. Kara was abandoned by her “father” at a young age, and her mother raised her. Its a fracked up spin on Jesus.

Why did Kara Thrace have to die?

Kara Thrace is a Messenger being imprinted with the memories of Kara Thrace, a Colonial Officer who perished after being lured into a storm.

Why is Kara Thrace special?

Kara “Starbuck” Thrace is a gifted Viper pilot, with an attitude that has hindered her career in the Colonial Fleet. However, William Adama has confidence in Thrace’s military skills, and she greatly aids the Fleet inside and out of the cockpit.

Do Lee and Kara end up together?

Though they end up marrying other people, they always seem to drift back to each other. They offer to leave their spouses for each other; Lee accepts Kara unconditionally when she returns in season 4, not caring that she may be a Cylon; he knows she never needs saving, that she can take care of herself.

What does Starbucks tattoo mean?

12 The secret meaning behind Starbuck’s tattoo But Kara “Starbuck” Thrace and Anders each have tattoos as visual reminders of their wedding vows. The tattoo is a combination of a Phoenix wing and wedding band with a small Caprica symbol near the bottom of the wing.

Who were the 12 Cylon models?

These models were designed by the Final Five (TRS: “No Exit”).

  • Number One. Number One/John Cavil.
  • Number Two. Number Two/Leoben Conoy.
  • Number Three. Number Three/D’Anna Biers.
  • Number Four. Number Four/Simon O’Neill.
  • Number Five. Number Five/Aaron Doral.
  • Number Six. Number Six.
  • Number Eight. Number Eight/Sharon.
  • Samuel Anders.

Who was the fifth Cylon in Battlestar Galactica?

In the last minutes of the first episode of “Galactica’s” final season, the identity of the Final Cylon, the fifth member of the Colonial fleet to be unaware of their true heritage, was revealed to be the dead wife of Colonel Saul Tigh, Ellen.

What are the final five Cylons?

The term “Final Five” collectively describes five of the twelve Cylon humanoid models, namely Samuel Anders, Tory Foster, Ellen Tigh, Saul Tigh, and Galen Tyrol, whose identities were lost to the majority of the Cylon populace.

Is Baltar a Cylon?

On the day the Cylons attack humanity, the woman reveals she is an advanced Cylon, model Number Six (later known as Caprica Six), and she used the information that Baltar gave her to shut down the Colonial defenses, thus making him responsible for the Cylons’ successful genocidal campaign against the Twelve Colonies.

Why did Dee kill herself on Battlestar Galactica?

Dualla commit suicide in this episode was made after the writing staff felt there had to be fallout from discovering that Earth was a nuclear ruin. Moore explained: There had to be a cost. Dualla fit this best because she had lost two men whom she loved, and all she had left was the hope of finding Earth.

Why did the Cylons hate humans?

Of course Cavil claims to hate the humans because they enslaved the centurions–he needs to rationalize his hate through justice–but really Cavil hates the humans because he hates that he is the same as them, that they represent for him, and constantly remind him of his own inferiority.

How did Cylons become human?

THE BEGINNING. Cylons were machines created by weapons technologist Dr. Daniel Greystone to serve in the military. The artificially intelligent automatons eventually came to serve humans, like slaves, on the planetary system known as the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.

How long was the first Cylon war?

twelve years

What do Cylons say?

By your command

When did Cylons appear?


What is the Cylons plan?

The television movie ‘The Plan’ explained the plan. Essentially it was the brain-child primarily of the Cavils. “The plan” was basically to wipe out humanity in the opening salvos. The plan failed though, with the escape of the Galactica (and Pegasus, and possibly others we don’t know about).

How big is a Cylon basestar?

10.5 inches long