What is a gerund predicate nominative?

What is a gerund predicate nominative?

A whole gerund phrase functions in a sentence just like a noun, and can act as a subject, an object, or a predicate nominative. Traveling is the subject of the first sentence. In the second sentence, reading is a predicate nominative, a word (or group of words) that completes a linking verb and renames the subject.

How do you identify gerunds and gerund phrases?

A gerund phrase will follow these rules, which can help you identify a gerund phrase in a sentence:

  1. The phrase will always start with a gerund.
  2. The gerund phrase will either have a modifier, an object or both.
  3. The entire phrase will function as a noun.
  4. The phrase will have singular agreement with a verb.

What is a gerund phrase and examples?

Like all nouns, a gerund phrase can function as a subject, an object, or a complement within a sentence. For example: (Here, the gerund phrase is the subject of the verb “is.”) She hates waiting for trains. (The gerund phrase is the direct object of the verb “hates.”)

How do you identify a gerund in a sentence?

A gerund is the –ing form of a verb that functions the same as a noun. For example, “Running is fun.” In this sentence, “running” is the gerund. It acts just like a noun.

How do you tell if it is a gerund or a participle?

If you find a form of “be” followed by the -ing form, that’s the present participle. For example: They’ve have been working for four hours. If the -ing form begins the sentence, or follows a verb or preposition, that’s the gerund.

What is the rule of gerund?

Infinitive = to + the base form of the verb, e.g., to sing, to dance, to run. Whether you use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb in the sentence. Gerunds can be used after certain verbs including enjoy, fancy, discuss, dislike, finish, mind, suggest, recommend, keep, and avoid.

What is not a gerund?

A: No is used with gerunds just as it is used with any noun or noun substitute: to mean not any. There will be no smoking in this office ever again!

What part of speech does a gerund act like?

Gerunds. A verbal is a word formed from a verb but functioning as a different part of speech. A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that functions as a noun. In the example below, the gerund phrase renames the subject, this.

What is the definition of a gerund?

1 : a verbal noun in Latin that expresses generalized or uncompleted action.

What is the opposite of a gerund?

There are no categorical antonyms for gerund. The noun gerund is defined as: A verbal form that functions as a verbal noun.

Can we use gerund after to?

It’s important to remember this basic grammar rule: HOWEVER, there is always an exception to the rule in English! Normally, ‘to’ goes with a verb (as part of the infinitive form), not a noun. If, however, the ‘to’ is a preposition that is part of a combination, then it is OK to use a gerund after to.

How do you combine sentences with gerunds?

Sentences can be combined using gerunds. A gerund has the same form as a present participle (again, the -ing form of a verb) but functions as a noun (Our school encourages studying). Example: The dog howled and whined all night long.

How do you combine sentences with participles?

Combine two sentences using a participle

  1. Exercise.
  2. Answers.
  3. She walked out smiling.
  4. He lived alone forgotten by everybody.
  5. The old man sat outside smoking his pipe.
  6. The girl entered the room singing a song.
  7. The boy stood up showing himself to them.
  8. There is a woman crying her eyes out over there.

How do you join two infinitive sentences?

Combine using infinitives

  1. He did not have even a penny with him. He could not buy a piece of bread.
  2. The team has a captain.
  3. You must give me the keys of the safe.
  4. We went to Ajmer last week.
  5. I speak the truth.
  6. The robber took out his knife.
  7. He has to support his family.
  8. The management called a meeting of the employees.

Which kind of verb is more likely to take a gerund as its object?

Which kind of verb is more likely to take a gerund as its object? 3. Identify the gerund in the following sentence….Verbs followed by both gerunds and infinitives.

Gerund Infinitive
“I love swimming.” “I love to swim.”

What four types of noun does a gerund act like?

The four types of gerunds and gerund phrases follow:

  • Subject. Gardening is my favorite hobby.
  • Direct Object. My neighbors admire my gardening.
  • Object of Preposition. I have received several awards for my gardening.
  • Subject Complement. My favorite hobby is gardening.

What are the 5 function of gerund?

Gerunds can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and predicate nouns.

What is an infinitive phrase in grammar?

An infinitive phrase is the infinitive form of a verb plus any complements and modifiers. The complement of an infinitive verb will often be its direct object, and the modifier will often be an adverb. For example: He likes to knead the dough slowly.

How do you tell if an infinitive is a noun?

If the infinitive ends a sentence but can not be moved to the beginning of that sentence without adding additional words, it is functioning as either a noun or an adjective.