What is a phrase and a clause examples?

What is a phrase and a clause examples?

A phrase is any collection of words that behaves like a part of speech, like a noun phrase (“my brother Stu”), an adjectival phrase (“in a different shade of blue”), or an adverbial phrase (“with elegance and tact”). A clause is any noun phrase plus a verb; they can be sentences, but they don’t always have to be.

How do you change a noun phrase into a noun clause?

Here the phrase where to turn for help (conjunctive + infinitive) acts as the direct object of the verb know. As you know the object of a verb is a noun or a noun equivalent. By expanding a noun or a noun-phrase into a noun-clause, we can change a simple sentence into a complex sentence. Study the examples given below.

How do you change a sentence into a phrase?

Clause-to-phrase reduction is a process that consists of several steps. To reduce the underlined clause to a phrase, we do two things: first, we omit the relative pronoun “that”; second, we change the verb “consist” to its -ing form.

What is a clause in a sentence examples?

A clause contains only one subject and one verb. The subject of a clause can be mentioned or hidden, but the verb must be apparent and distinguishable. Example: I graduated last year.

How do you make a clause in a sentence?

Clauses are units of grammar that contain a predicate (verb) and a subject (noun)….A dependent clause needs to be combined with an independent clause to form a complete sentence.

  1. If that’s a burrito, I’m having it.
  2. He’s mean mainly because he’s unhappy.
  3. Let’s go for a walk while the sun’s still out.

What is a clause simple sentence?

An independent clause contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but no complete thought. A SIMPLE SENTENCE has one independent clause.

How do you join two independent clauses?

To combine two independent clauses (complete sentences), use a semicolon or a comma and conjunction. To attach a dependent clause, use a comma if it comes before the independent clause; use no comma if it comes after the independent clause, unless it is a “contrast word” (although, though, even though, whereas).

What do independent clauses start with?

There are two types of words that can be used as connectors at the beginning of an independent clause: coordinating conjunctions and independent marker words. The seven coordinating conjunctions used as connecting words at the beginning of an independent clause are and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet.

What words are dependent clauses?

Dependent clauses can function either as noun clauses, adjective clauses, or adverb clauses in a sentence. A dependent clause begins with words such as after, although, because, before, if, since, that, until, what, when, where, who, which, and why.

Are Appositives dependent clauses?

A dependent clause, or subordinate clause, adds information to the sentence by acting as an adjective, adverb, or noun. Frequently, a dependent clause is introduced by a subordinate conjunction. In the appositive form, it adds a description of the book to the sentence.

What is the phrase and clause?

DEFINITION OF CLAUSE AND PHRASE: A clause is a group of words with a subject-verb unit; the 2nd group of words contains the subject-verb unit the bus goes, so it is a clause. • A phrase is a group of words without a subject-verb unit.