What is a predicate nominative?

What is a predicate nominative?

A predicate noun, or predicate nominative, is a noun or noun phrase that provides more information about the subject of the sentence. It completes a linking verb, like “to be.” Predicate nouns can only follow linking verbs because they’re expressing a state of being, not an action.

What follows a linking verb or action verb?

Originally Answered: what follows a linking or action verb? The linking verb is followed by a predicate nominative (a noun or pronoun that renames the subject) or by a predicate adjective, which describes the subject.

What follows after an action verb?

After a transitive action verb (action verb followed by direct object) there is a direct object and sometimes also an indirect object. Direct objects are nouns or pronouns. The indirect object tells us to whom/what the action is being done for. Sometimes, action verbs are intransitive (not followed by direct object).

Is a linking verb predicate?

A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject to an adjective or noun in the predicate. A linking verb does not show action. A predicate adjective describes the subject.

What do linking verb predicates carry?

Linking verbs and predicate words make communication easier by connecting necessary parts of the sentence. A linking verb connects the verb to the subject, and predicate words are the verb and the words modifying the verb. Linking words work like glue because they connect all the parts together.

How do you find the predicate of a sentence?

A simple predicate is simply the main verb. Each sentence must have a main verb, and the easiest way to find it is to look for a word that shows action. If there is no action verb in the sentence, then the simple predicate will be a “state of being” verb.

What is phrase example?

A phrase is a group of words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute. Take a look at our selection of phrase examples below. happy family camping by a river. Advertisement.

How do I find a phrase?

Phrases are a combination of two or more words that can take the role of a noun, a verb, or a modifier in a sentence. Phrases are different from clauses because while dependent and independent clauses both contain a subject and a verb, phrases do not.

How do you identify an adjectival phrase?

To identify an adjective phrase, the key is to look at the first word of the group of words. If it is an adverb or preposition, then it is an adjective phrase, which consists of an intensifier and an adjective.

How do you identify a phrase or clause?

The Main Difference Between Phrases and Clauses However, there is an easy way to tell if you’re using a phrase or a clause. The main difference is that clauses have both a subject and a predicate; phrases do not. Phrases are part of clauses. They add meaning to sentences, but the sentence can exist without a phrase.

Is it a clause or a phrase?

DEFINITION OF CLAUSE AND PHRASE: A clause is a group of words with a subject-verb unit; the 2nd group of words contains the subject-verb unit the bus goes, so it is a clause. A phrase is a group of words without a subject-verb unit.

What is a phrase and clause in grammar?

A phrase is a group of words that may have a partial subject or verb but not both, or it may have neither a subject nor a verb. Phrases never have a subject doing the action of a verb. A clause, however, is by definition a group of words that has a subject and a verb.

How do you identify a clause?

Steps to identifying clauses

  1. Identify any verbs and verb phrases. A clause always contains at least one verb, typically a lexical verb.
  2. Identify any conjunctions.
  3. Check again.

Can a phrase stand alone?

A dependent clause or a phrase can not stand alone as a sentence. It is therefore dependent on other words being added to it to create a sentence. Dependent clauses left standing alone are often referred to as sentence fragments. While they contain a subject and a verb, they nonetheless represent incomplete thoughts.

What is the difference between a phrase and an independent clause?

A phrase is a related group of words. The words work together as a “unit,” but they do not have a subject and a verb. A clause is a group of words that does have both a subject and a verb. An independent clause is the same as a complete sentence.

Can a phrase be a complete sentence?

Phrases: A phrase is a group of words that does not have a subject and verb. A phrase cannot therefore be a complete idea or a complete sentence by itself.

Is before sunrise a phrase or clause?

An adverb clause will have a subordinating conjunction and a verb. Clause: I checked both ways before I crossed the street. Phrase: I got up before sunrise. I stayed inside because it was too rainy.

Is above the treetops a phrase or clause?

Phrase Clause The red balloon floated above the treetops. At midnight, the church bell chimed eerily. The majestic elephant trumpeted loudly at the surprised tourists. Noah slurped his milkshake as quickly as possible.

Is break out a clause?

Answer: The group of words that is a clause in the sentence is: When World War II broke out. Explanation: The clause in any sentence is a group of words that will tell the reader what the sentence is about. In this case, it is when World War II broke out.

What are the two types of clauses?

There are two types of clause:

  • An independent clause (one that can stand alone as a sentence).
  • A dependent clause (one that is usually a supporting part of a sentence).