What is a reciprocal of 56?

What is a reciprocal of 56?

To get the reciprocal of a fraction, just turn it upside down….Examples:

Fraction Reciprocal
56 6 5
197 7 19
12 21 = 2

What are the reciprocals of 5 6?

The reciprocal of a number is its multiplicative inverse. That is, the product of the number and its reciprocal is 1, the multiplicative identity element. For a fraction, the reciprocal is the fraction with numerator and denominator interchanged. That is, the reciprocal of 5/6 is 6/5.

What is the reciprocal of 55?

Therefore, the reciprocal of -55 is simply the answer above with a minus in front. We did round the answer above to 8 digits after the decimal point if necessary. As you can expect, 55 times the reciprocal of 55 will equal 1.

What is a reciprocal of 9 10?

Reciprocal of 9/10 is 10/9.

What is a reciprocal of 3?

The reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of a number x is the number which, when multiplied by x , gives 1 . So, the product of a number and its reciprocal is 1 . (This is sometimes called the property of reciprocals .) so the reciprocal of 3 is 13 (and the reciprocal of 13 is 3 .)

Does 0 have a reciprocal?

In the real numbers, zero does not have a reciprocal because no real number multiplied by 0 produces 1 (the product of any number with zero is zero).

What is a reciprocal of zero?

The reciprocal of 0 is _? But 0, unlike any other number, when multiplied by itself gives the value as 0. It is one of the idempotent elements, that is, no matter how many times 0 is multiplied by itself, it gives the value as zero. And so, there is no number which when multiplied with zero gives the answer as 1.

What is the negative reciprocal of zero?

Zero does not have a reciprocal. Because any number multiplied by zero is equal to zero, that means that no number multiplied by 0 can equal 1. This…

How many numbers are a reciprocal of themselves?

two numbers

What is the reciprocal of the reciprocal of 7 10?

When you have a fraction, the reciprocal can be obtained by swifting the numerator and the denominator, this is the reciprocal of a/b is equal to b/a. Then the reciprocal of 7/10 is 10/7.

What two numbers are their own reciprocal?

The numbers 1 and −1 are their own reciprocals .

Which two number is reciprocal of itself?

1 and -1 Is only Number which have reciprocal itself 1.

What is the reciprocal of itself?

There is no other integer other than 1 which is the reciprocal of itself.

What is the reciprocal of minus 7 by 9?

The reciprocal would be 16 . You just pretty much change the number to a fraction, the number is the denominator and 1 is the numerator. But if you want to find the reciprocal of a fraction, then you just switch the numerator and the denominator around. So the reciprocal of 79 is 97 !

What is the reciprocal of reciprocal of a rational number?

Reciprocal of a number is such that the numerator becomes denominator and the denominator becomes numerator. So, the reciprocal of the above rational no will be : The reciprocal of the reciprocal of a rational number will be again . Hence, the reciprocal of the reciprocal of a rational number is the number itself.