What is a subordinating clause example?

What is a subordinating clause example?

For example, in the sentence “I played out until it went dark”, the phrase “until it went dark” is the subordinate clause becauseit requires additional information in order to make sense. Subordinate clauses contain a subject noun and a verb.

How do you teach clauses fun?

A fun grammar activity is to give each student a few note cards. Ask students to write one independent clause per note card. Then, put the independent clauses together with a conjunction for memorable compound sentences. Then, we continue to study dependent clauses, or a clause that cannot stand alone….

What does a relative clause start with?

A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined. Relative pronoun as subject (in red): I like the person. The person was nice to me.

What is a principal clause and a subordinate clause?

❖ The clause that is dependent on another clause to make a complete sense is called a Subordinate or Dependent clause. ❖ The Principal clause can make a complete sense by itself It does not have to depend on any other clause. ❖ A sentence having two principal clauses is called a Co-ordinate clause.

What is a correlative?

In grammar, a correlative is a word that is paired with another word with which it functions to perform a single function but from which it is separated in the sentence.

Is if/then a correlative conjunction?

1 Answer. You already know about subordinating conjunctions like the conditional if. To my mind, there’s another if-then that belongs to another category (you mentioned correlative conjunctions).

What is correlative duty?

It is a commonly held view that rights imply correlative obligations. That is, if someone has a right to x, then someone else (some person, group of people, institutions, etc.) bears some obligation, or duty, with respect to that right.

What are for and nor but or yet so?

Recognize a coordinating conjunction when you find one. And, but, for, nor, or, so, and yet—these are the seven coordinating conjunctions. To remember all seven, you might want to learn one of these acronyms: FANBOYS, YAFNOBS, or FONYBAS. Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses.