What is a suffix that means filled with?

What is a suffix that means filled with?

-ful. a suffix meaning “full of,” “characterized by” (shameful; beautiful; careful; thoughtful); “tending to,” “able to” (wakeful; harmful); “as much as will fill” (spoonful).

Is fearful a suffix that means filled with?

The suffix -ful usually means characterized by or in full measure as in hateful and spoonful. But an animal’s pitiful cry is not full of, or characterized by, pity, and the fearful symmetry of Blake’s tyger is not full of fear.

What is a fearful person?

fearful, apprehensive, afraid mean disturbed by fear. fearful implies often a timorous or worrying temperament. the child is fearful of loud noises apprehensive suggests a state of mind and implies a premonition of evil or danger.

Is fearful the same as afraid?

Synonyms of Scared and Afraid Frightened means afraid or fearful. Terrified means to be extremely afraid.

What are synonyms for fearful?


  • afraid.
  • anxious.
  • hesitant.
  • nervous.
  • scared.
  • shy.
  • timid.
  • uneasy.

What is another word for a fearful person?

SYNONYMS FOR fearful 2 afraid, timid, timorous, apprehensive, uneasy, distrustful; solicitous, anxious, concerned, worried.

What is the root word for fearful?

A frightened airplane passenger might panic and cause other people to become frightened. The adjective comes from frighten — before the 1660s, the verb was instead fright. All of these words share an Old English root, fyrhtu, “fear, dread, trembling, or horrible sight.” Definitions of frightened. adjective.

What is Hebrew word for fear?

But there is a second Hebrew word for fear, yirah. Rabbi Lew describes yirah as “the fear that overcomes us when we suddenly find ourselves in possession of considerably more energy than we are used to, inhabiting a larger space than we are used to inhabiting.

How do you use fearful?

1 The nurse on duty was fearful that the patient should get worse. 2 There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation. 3 People are fearful of rising crime in the area.

What is the antonym of fearful?

What is the opposite of fearful?

unafraid confident
fearless ballsy
bold brave
courageous daring
dauntless doughty

What do you do when someone calls you a coward?

Well if people call you coward – and then you also think you are a coward (there is a little problem)….

  1. Love yourself.
  2. Respect yourself.
  3. Be a positive thinker. If you always think like a pessimist then people will also avoid you. So be an assertive person.
  4. Talk with someone who encourages you.
  5. Have some pass-