What is a synonym for attachment?

What is a synonym for attachment?

SYNONYMS. bond, closeness, devotion, loyalty. fondness for, love for, liking for, affection for, affinity for, tenderness for, feeling for, sentiment for, regard for, respect for, admiration for, reverence for. relationship with, friendship with, intimacy with. 2’the shower had a soothing massage attachment’

What is a meaning of attached?

1 : connected or joined to something see the attached document a house with an attached garage. 2 : emotionally connected : having strong feelings of affection or connection These are happy and well-adjusted children who are very attached to their adoptive family.—

What is another word for Allocate?

SYNONYMS. allot, assign, issue, award, grant, administer, devote. share out, apportion, portion out, distribute, hand out, deal out, dole out, give out, parcel out, ration out, divide out, divide up, dispense, measure out, mete out. earmark for, designate for, set aside for, appropriate for, budget for.

What means allocate time?

to give a particular amount of time, money, etc. to someone or something, so that it can be used in a particular way: allocate time Salespeople should allocate time for work in each area of their business.

Can we use allocate for people?

Meaning of allocate in English. to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to use in a particular way: The government is allocating £10 million for health education. [ + two objects ] As project leader, you will have to allocate people jobs/allocate jobs to people.

How do you use allocation?

budget allocation was made, the treasurer would be able to see what funds had been gathered from sponsorship. cage trap donors are given an allocation number for their trap. The phased moved away from a slots allocation based on historic patterns to one based on weighted capitation should improve the equity of access.

How do you allocate your time and effort?

Start by using these 20 super-powerful time management tips.

  1. Create a time audit.
  2. Set a time limit to each task.
  3. Use a to-do-list, but don’t abandon tasks.
  4. Plan ahead.
  5. Spend your mornings on MITs.
  6. Learn to delegate/outsource.
  7. Eliminate half-work.
  8. Change your schedule.

How can you allocate your fund correctly?

For example, one old rule of thumb that some advisors use to determine the proportion a person should allocate to stocks is to subtract the person’s age from 100. In other words, if you’re 35, you should put 65% of your money into stocks and the remaining 35% into bonds, real estate, and cash.

What is allocation of effort?

Allocation of Effort: The relative amount of effort that faculty members, regardless of rank or position, devote to the various aspects of their duties (e.g. teaching, scholarship, extension/outreach, and service) necessarily varies.

Why is time allocated?

Time allocation helps to organize work, effectively manage tasks, projects, and personal activities. It’s one of the easiest ways to boost productivity and always stay on top of work.

How is Grant effort calculated?

Conversion of percentage of effort to person months is straightforward. To calculate person months, multiply the percentage of your effort associated with the project times the number of months of your appointment. For example: 25% of a 9 month academic year appointment equals 2.25 (AY) person months (9 x 0.25= 2.25)

What does it mean to allocate a payment?

Payment allocation is the term used to describe how your credit card company uses your payments to pay down your debt. The Credit CARD Act, effective February 2010, has changed a lot of the rules regarding how your credit card company can distribute your payments across different APR balances.

What does allocate funds mean?

To allocate is to set aside a certain amount of money for an expense. You usually hear about the government allocating funds for education or the military, but you may personally allocate some of your allowance to buying comic books.

What is allocation by need?

What is allocation by need? (1 point) pricing goods based on want rather than need. giving or selling goods only to people who most need them. giving or selling goods to whoever will stand in line the longest. pricing goods so that even the most vulnerable members of society can afford them.

What are the 9 allocation strategies?

Terms in this set (9)

  • Allocation. System of describing who gets scarce resorces.
  • Contests. People compete to get the resource.
  • Lottery. Random selection.
  • Majority rule. People vote for the person they think should get the resource.
  • Authority. A person in charge decides who gets the resource.
  • Price.
  • First come first serve.
  • Sharing.

What is difference between distribution and allocation?

allocation is a breakdown of how much a group, individual or area should get. Distribution is sending out shipments.

Which is an example of an allocation decision?

An epic example of an Allocation Decision is “Coal is set aside to burn as heating fuel” . Explanation: Scarce Resources Utilization or Allocation Decision refers the judgment in order to make the better utility of scarce resources to enhance the net income in a business or capital.

Why are goals necessary for making allocation decisions?

Allocation of resources gives a person an idea on how he/she will distribute the products for its intended purpose. In order to do this, he needs to have an allocation decision, which should be backed by some goals. The goals give the person direction towards the allocation of resources.

Which of the following best explains why minimizing costs is a rational way to make decisions?

Which best explains why minimizing costs is a rational way to make decisions? Paying a cost means doing without something good or accepting something bad. The maximum benefit can only be obtained by paying the lowest cost possible. All costs lead to benefits that outweigh the costs.

Which question must be asked about the use of resources in an economic system?

the answer is: What is the most effective allocation ?

Which is another term for a planned economy?

socialist system

Which of these is most important in a free market system?

The laws of supply and demand are the most important factors in a free-market system. Individuals need to own resources in order to make free choices.

What makes a mixed economy?

A mixed economy is an economy organized with some free market elements and some socialistic elements, which lies on a continuum somewhere between pure capitalism and pure socialism. Mixed economies socialize select industries that are deemed essential or that produce public goods.

Why is mixed economy most common?

The mixed economy definition is an economy where both the private market and the government control the factors of production. It is the most common form of economy that exists in the world today. This is due to the fact that a completely capitalist economy, for example, has never existed.

What are 3 disadvantages of a mixed economy?

Disadvantages of Mixed Economy

  • There is more emphasis on profit at the expense of the welfare of the citizens.
  • There is usually high level of corruption and mismanagement.
  • Wealth is not equitably distributed as there is a gap between the rich and the poor.

Why is mixed economy best?

A mixed economy permits private participation in production, which in return allows healthy competition that can result in profit. This security helps maintain a stable economy. Overall, businesses, as well as consumers, in mixed economies have freedoms that are important to both.