What is a synonym for the word anguish based on the context?

What is a synonym for the word anguish based on the context?

The synonym of the word “anguish” based on the context in which the word appears in these lines from James Joyce’s “Araby” is torment. The word “torment” means extreme suffering from mental and physical pain.

What is a synonym for the word anguish?

Some common synonyms of anguish are grief, regret, sorrow, and woe. While all these words mean “distress of mind,” anguish suggests torturing grief or dread.

What is the central conflict in Araby?

The central conflict in “Araby” concerns the struggle between the narrator’s imagination and the bleak reality of his interaction with Mangan’s sister. In the story, the narrator is infatuated with Mangan’s sister and daydreams about winning her heart.

What does the boy learn in Araby?

James Joyce’s ‘Araby’ is a coming of age story that focuses on a young boy’s first love. In it, the young narrator believes that he experiences true love for the first time. Eventually, he realizes that he has mistaken physical attraction for love.

What does Araby symbolism for the protagonist?

To the narrator, Araby symbolizes the beauty, mystery, and romance he longs for in his life. He lives in a dreary house on a shabby dead-end street. He escapes the drabness around him by reading a Sir Walter Scott romance and a book of French adventures and by dreaming.

What significance do you infer regarding the priest described at the beginning of the story?

The significance of the priest described at the beginning of the story is the priest shows negativity towards the church because the priests had been insensitive to the spiritual needs of his people. This is shows with his collection of books that weren’t religious books.

What does the interaction between the narrator and the priest in paragraph 5 reveal?

PART A: What does the interaction between the narrator and the priest in paragraph 5 reveal? It reveals that the priest and perhaps others were. already aware that the narrator’s lover was. unfaithful.

What are some examples of dramatic irony in Macbeth?

Macbeth (Dramatic Irony)

  • Example: In Act 1 Scene 4, line 50 , the witches hail Macbeth, “thane of Cawdor!”
  • Dramatic irony: At this point, Macbeth is unaware that the king has conferred this honor upon him because of his valor in battle, so he attributes his fortune to the witches’ prophecy.