What is a synonym for time off?

What is a synonym for time off?

other words for time off downtime. furlough. leave of absence. respite. sabbatical.

What is it called when you take time off work?

Time off exclusively for when you or a family member you care for are sick and unable to work. Employees typically accumulate this time by pay period or month. – Paid Time Off (PTO). Companies often use PTO which combines sick leave and vacation time in one.

How do you say take time off?

“After the time off, Frost considered taking up teaching as a profession, but sometimes things don’t always go as planned.”…What is another word for time off?

break vacation
recess sabbatical
respite furlough
downtime leisure
liberty pause

What is the opposite word of get off?

Opposite of to leave or exit a place. arrive. come. show up. turn up.

What does get off on mean?

informal + sometimes disapproving. : to enjoy or be excited by (something) especially in a sexual way He’s one of those guys who seem to get off on making other people feel guilty.

What does getting off mean for a girl?

: to have sex with (someone) : to begin a sexual relationship with (someone) She found out he’d gotten off with another woman.

How do you use get off?

Get off sentence example

  1. What time do you get off ?
  2. The two young women didn’t get off at that stop.
  3. All right, I get off at nine.
  4. If you want to wait until I get off work, I’ll try to leave a little early so we won’t get back so late.
  5. I get off on killing you idiots, she said in the same calm voice she used with Jonny.

Is it get of or get off?

The difference between “get off” and “get out of” is a little bit more delicate. We get off public transport, but we get out of a (personal) car, and never the other way round: correct Get off the bus at the next stop. correct Get out of the car after you arrive.

Where can I get off?

If you tell someone where to get off, you tell them in a rather rude way that you are not going to do or agree to what they want. I’d just go right up to them and tell them where to get off.

Is get off a phrasal verb?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishget off phrasal verb1 LEAVE A PLACEleave to leave a place, or to help someone to leave a place We’ll try and get off straight after lunch.

What does it mean call off?

transitive verb. 1 : to draw away : divert. 2 : cancel.

When we use take off?

To ‘take off’ is to begin to fly. The past form is ‘took off’. The aeroplane took off on time. Another meaning of ‘take off’ is when someone or something is moving very quickly.

What is the most dangerous part about flying?

Boeing research shows that takeoff and landing are statistically more dangerous than any other part of a flight. 49% of all fatal accidents happen during the final descent and landing phases of the average flight, while 14% of all fatal accidents happen during takeoff and initial climb.

Why do pilots say V1 rotate?

V1 is the speed at which an airliner is committed to take off. It can no longer safely stop before the end of the runway. Rotate is the speed at which the pilot flying lifts the nose and with the increased angle of attack, the plane lifts off. So rotate comes rather quickly after V1 commitment speed.

What does squawk 7777 mean?

§ 7777: § military interception (US) (“Under no circumstances should a pilot of a civil aircraft operate the transponder on Code 7777. This code is reserved for military interceptor operations.”)

What do pilots say when taking off?

ATC will either say “Expedite Departure” or “No Delay” to let the aircraft know to get it in gear and take off immediately. A radio call from ATC would go something like this: ATC: “Cessna 128DP, cleared for take off, runway 16, no delay, straight out departure approved”

Can pilots read while flying?

Pilots can and do read books, magazines and newspapers in flight. As you have to listen out to ATC and be aware of what is happening around you at all times, listening to lectures, TED talks or audio books is frowned upon.

Why do pilots say contact?

After the propeller is pulled through several revolutions, the crewmember would pause and indicate the engine was ready to start. The pilot would respond by shouting “contact” as he switched the magneto switch to both and moved the mixture to full rich.

What does Niner Niner mean?

Aviators often speak “pilot English” to avoid miscommunications over radio transmission. “Tree” for instance, means three, “fife” is the number five and “niner” means nine, says Tom Zecha, a manager at AOPA.