What is a word for dream?

What is a word for dream?

What is another word for dream?

vision dreaming
hallucination illusion
nightmare conception
fantasy image
impression perception

What is opposite word for dream?

“That Biff Tannen….What is the opposite of dream?

nightmare horror
disappointment dud
failure flop
lemon letdown
loser stinker

What is it called when you are between sleep and awake?

Hypnagogia meaning Hypnagogia is the transitional state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep. It’s the opposite of hypnopompia, which is the transitional state that occurs before you wake up.

What does cataplexy mean?

Cataplexy. This sudden loss of muscle tone while a person is awake leads to weakness and a loss of voluntary muscle control. It is often triggered by sudden, strong emotions such as laughter, fear, anger, stress, or excitement.

Is narcolepsy a mental illness?

However, narcolepsy is frequently misdiagnosed initially as a psychiatric condition, contributing to the protracted time to accurate diagnosis and treatment. Narcolepsy is a disabling neurodegenerative condition that carries a high risk for development of social and occupational dysfunction.

What are the five signs of narcolepsy?

There are 5 main symptoms of narcolepsy, referred to by the acronym CHESS (Cataplexy, Hallucinations, Excessive daytime sleepiness, Sleep paralysis, Sleep disruption). While all patients with narcolepsy experience excessive daytime sleepiness, they may not experience all 5 symptoms.

Can cataplexy go away?

Although it is a different condition, cataplexy is sometimes misdiagnosed as a seizure disorder. There is no cure for cataplexy, but it can be managed with medications and modification of potential triggers.

Does narcolepsy cause depression?

Patients with narcolepsy type 1 frequently experienced depression, depressive symptoms, suicidal thoughts and risk for suicide, especially those who have untreated narcolepsy, according to study findings published in Neurology.

What cataplexy feels like?

Cataplexy happens when your muscles suddenly go limp or significantly weaken without warning. You may experience cataplexy when you feel a strong emotion or emotional sensation. This can include crying, laughing, or feeling angry. You may find yourself falling over or losing control over your facial expressions.

Can cataplexy look like a seizure?

Cataplexy is triggered by emotions that many consider “hysteric” and may be interpreted as “fainting” or “seizure” spells.