What is a word that means cell?

What is a word that means cell?

In this page you can discover 105 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for cell, like: microorganism, egg, compartment, corpuscle, receptacle, organism, cytoplasm, embryo, cellule, vacuole and protoplast.

What words are related to cell?

Explore the Words

  • organelle. a specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ.
  • cytology. the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells.
  • metabolism. the organic processes that are necessary for life.
  • ultracentrifuge.
  • cytosol.
  • ribosome.
  • eukaryotic.
  • prokaryotic.

What are examples of cells?

Trees in a forest, fish in a river, horseflies on a farm, lemurs in the jungle, reeds in a pond, worms in the soil — all these plants and animals are made of the building blocks we call cells. Like these examples, many living things consist of vast numbers of cells working in concert with one another.

Which cell has no nucleus?


What cells have a nucleus?

Only the cells of advanced organisms, known as eukaryotes, have a nucleus. Generally there is only one nucleus per cell, but there are exceptions, such as the cells of slime molds and the Siphonales group of algae. Simpler one-celled organisms (prokaryotes), like the bacteria and cyanobacteria, don’t have a nucleus.

Why nucleus is called the heart of the cell?

Explanation: The nucleus is called the “brain” of the cell because it holds the information needed to conduct most of the cell’s functions. Other molecules make proteins from that information on a regular basis – each moment of our lives.

Who is the heart of cell?

Cardiac muscle cells or cardiomyocytes (also known as myocardiocytes or cardiac myocytes) are the muscle cells (myocytes) that make up the cardiac muscle (heart muscle).

What is called the heart of cell?

why nucleus is called the heart of cell?? heart is the main controller of the body. similarly nucleus also contains all the metabolic activities of the cell……..

What is the importance of nucleus in short?

The nucleus controls and regulates the activities of the cell (e.g., growth and metabolism) and carries the genes, structures that contain the hereditary information. Nucleoli are small bodies often seen within the nucleus. The gel-like matrix in which the nuclear components are suspended is the nucleoplasm.

What is the importance of nucleus class 9?

The nucleus is the most important organelle in the cell. It contains the genetic material, the DNA, which is responsible for controlling and directing all the activities of the cell. All the RNAs needed for the cell are synthesised in the nucleus.

What is nucleus made up of Class 9?

The nucleus contains some thread like structures called chromatin. It exists during the resting stage of cell. The chromatin contains DNA (Deoxy-ribo nucleic acid), RNA (Ribo Nucleic acid) and proteins. The nucleus contains some rod shaped structures in a cell that contains the hereditary information.

What is a gene Class 9?

Genes are functional units of heredity as they are made of DNA. The chromosome is made of DNA containing many genes. Every gene comprises of the particular set of instructions for a particular function or protein-coding. Speaking in usual terms, genes are responsible for heredity.

What is the function of Golgi apparatus 9th?

1)They are involved in synthesis of cell wall,plasma membrane and lysosomes. 2)It produces vacuoles which contain cellular secretions eg:enzymes,protein,cellulose etc. 3)They act as an area for storage,processing and packaging of various cellular secretions.

What is the main function of Golgi apparatus Class 9?

The main function of Golgi apparatus is secretory. It produces vacuoles or secretory vesicles which contain cellular secretions like enzymes, proteins, cellulose etc. Golgi apparatus is also involved in the synthesis of cell wall, plasma membrane and lysosomes.

What are cisterns Class 9?

Answer: A reservoir or a closed space filled with body fluid like chyle, lymph, or cerebrospinal fluid etc is called cistern.

What is endocytosis in biology class 9?

Endocytosis is defined as the process of trapping a particle or substance from the external environment by engulfing it. Endocytosis is of two types viz phagocytosis, also known as cellular eating and pinocytosis, also referred to as cellular drinking.