What is a word to use instead of and?

What is a word to use instead of and?

What is another word for and?

furthermore moreover
in conjunction with along
and all in the same way
besides that in a similar manner
in the same manner just the same

What can I say instead of writing?

other words for write

  • compose.
  • create.
  • note.
  • pen.
  • record.
  • rewrite.
  • scrawl.
  • sign.

How do you replace the word and?

other words for and

  1. along with.
  2. also.
  3. as a consequence.
  4. as well as.
  5. furthermore.
  6. including.
  7. moreover.
  8. together with.

What is a better word for and?

Find another word for and. In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for and, like: in addition to, also, plus, furthermore, as-well-as, including, together with, moreover, besides, polysyndeton and et-alii.

What is the other word for so?

What is another word for so?

very extremely
such well
mega terrifically
dead oh-so
ever so devilish

How do you use as well as?

We usually use as well at the end of a clause: We look forward very much to seeing you again and to meeting your wife as well. As well as is a multi-word preposition which means ‘in addition to’: She has invited Jill as well as Kate.

What is as well as?

: and in addition : and brave as well as loyal. as well as.

How do I use as well as in a sentence?

As-well-as sentence example

  1. I know you as well as I know anyone else.
  2. He could be tender and thoughtful, as well as charming.
  3. Send me men who know this city as well as he does.
  4. This wasn’t going as well as she had planned.
  5. If you knew Mr.
  6. He opened the door to the rooms he knew as well as his cabin.

How do you use as well as in a sentence?

Running is healthy as well as making you feel good. He broke the window, as well as destroying the wall. She draws as well as designing clothes.

Where is as well as used?

The phrase “as well as” means in “addition to” or “and also” in the context of the example that you have mentioned. When “as well as” is used as a conjunction (i.e. in place of “and”), there is no need to use commas before or after the phrase. Moreover, it should always be used with a singular verb.

Can as well as start a sentence?

“as well as” CAN start a sentence as long as the sentence has a VERB and can thus stand alone and make sense. Eg ‘As well as owning a dog himself he was a keen dog racer, loving every aspect of the sport. If there is no verb it would be WRONG e.g. ‘He played football and rugby. As well as his dad.

Which used in a sentence?

We also use which to introduce a relative clause when it refers to a whole clause or sentence: She seemed more talkative than usual, which was because she was nervous. People think I sit around drinking coffee all day. Which, of course, I do.

Where do we use such as in a sentence?

How to Use Such As in a Sentence. Use such as to provide specific examples of something you’re talking about. If the specific examples aren’t essential to the accuracy of your sentence, then use a comma before such as and after your example, unless the example is at the very end of the sentence.

How is thus used in a sentence?

Use the adverb thus in place of words like therefore or so when you want to sound proper. Use thus interchangeably with words like consequently, ergo, hence, and just like that. For example, if you want to sound fancy you could say no one showed up for water aerobics, thus the class was cancelled. It had to be thus.

How do you end a sentence with as well?

Too and as well are used at the end of a sentence….

  1. She bought the necklace. She bought the earrings.
  2. She bought the necklace and the earrings.
  3. She bought the necklace as well as the earrings.
  4. She bought not only the necklace, but also the earrings.

How do you use such in English?

We can use such (as a determiner) before a noun phrase to add emphasis:

  1. We visited such fascinating places on our trip through central Asia.
  2. She has such lovely hair.
  3. She lived in such loneliness. ( formal)
  4. We had such an awful meal at that restaurant!

Where we use such a?

When used with an {adjective+noun} group, such and so are synonyms, but there is no choice. Such a is required when the adjective is used attributively before a singular noun; Such is required when the adjective is used attributively before a plural noun; So is required when it is used predicatively.

What does mean such?

1 : such a person or thing. 2 : someone or something stated, implied, or exemplified such was the result. 3 : someone or something similar : similar persons or things tin and glass and such.

What word is such?

adjective. of the kind, character, degree, extent, etc., of that or those indicated or implied: Such a man is dangerous. of that particular kind or character: The food, such as it was, was plentiful.

What words do questions begin with?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. An interrogative word or question word is a function word used to ask a question, such as what, which, when, where, who, whom, whose, why, whether and how. They are sometimes called wh-words, because in English most of them start with wh- (compare Five Ws).

How do you write 5 W’s?

The five Ws are who, what, when, where, and why. These question words allow students, writers, and researchers to understand the full scope of the topic being discussed. Many of these words can be used in questions to tease out the information.